If you don't really care for them and just want to make a "quick" return by reselling, then:
On day 1: Aim for Apples. And I wouldn't even bother with the cherry.
On day 3: Aim for Chocolate cakes. Don't even bother with the Toy Hammer.
On Day 4: Aim for ANY!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! :O
Toy hammer > cake imo
Percentage wise it's better, but youre making around 6k profit instead of 1k.
More choco cakes are restocked so better changes of actually making a profit. Hammers require a higher investment (not everyone has 1.5k). For most people choco cakes are the better option.
Does anyone no how many more posts we need until we get to 6.5 mil?
Does anyone no how many more posts we need until we get to 6.5 mil?