6,500,000 Posts Restock Bonanza!

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I also did this
To Pass The Time I Wrote Some Poems! Don't Laugh

Hope (Well that?s a generic poem title)
I like to think
I like to dream
But in my soul
I cry and scream

I hope sometimes
To change the past
Because my life
Went way too fast

I sometimes shout
I sometimes cry
But I have hope
On the next try

I grip at my hope
Wishing it will stay
But when I let go
It will fly away

On The Inside
I?m one of a kind
I?m not like you
We always have
Opposing views

But I like to give
Everyone a chance
I won?t abandon
At just one glance

So what then
We differ in race and sex
But it?s not that simple
It?s more complex

We are the same
We might not be clones
But under our skin
We?re both flesh and bones

Nice!!! I luv luv the 2nd one!!!
I'm at the hair place getting 2 of my boys hairs cut. Then we'll go grab lunch and come back get on the desktop. I haven't been on the desktop in months, lol!!! I always use my laptop or phone.
I'm drawing turts for people in the meantime (not taking more req's now so dont ask I have like 5+++++ to do already)

all right i'm home i'm ready
I've decided to be ambitious in the first stock on the off-chance that there's 1000000000 of each letter and I can get a set, but if it doesn't work out I'm just gonna do whatever in the second one lol
Back! Phew, I thought I was going to be back longer. But here I am! I'm coming for you の, don't be a coward.
Lets be real. Am I the only confident one about this upcoming restock?
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