☆ Life in Lawai'i ☆

New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
May 21, 2015
Purple Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Rainbow Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Chocolate Cake
Peach (Fruit)
Fair Pinwheel
Weird Doll

What originally started as an 80's themed, neon, tropical island back in 2020 has evolved into my own personal dream residential island. Lawai'i is a beach paradise that encapsulates everything that I look for in a tropical escape: colors, creativity, and vibes.



01.16.2023 ---> During this year's "New Year, New Horizon's" Blogging event, I'm happy to be sharing some of my favorite spots on my little island!

09.21.2023 ---> Surprise! Lawai'i now exists in Animal Crossing: City Folk! If you're in the mood for some City Folk visuals, and are as curious as I am to see how I decorate that town following Lawai'i's aesthetic, please follow along on this new chapter of Lawai'i!






Entry Index

New Year, New Horizons: Day 1 (Boardwalk) | Day 2 (Lazy River) | Day 3 (Juice Bar) | Day 4 (Home: Exterior) | Day 5 (Diner) | Day 6 (Outdoor Museum) | Day 7 (Pumpkin Patch) | Day 8 (Island Entrance) | Day 9 (Lawai'ian Beaches) | Day 10 (The End!)

Life in Lawai'i (New Horizons): Entry 1 (Fall, Flick, Fake Art!) | Entry 2 (Sunday Evening Roses) | Entry 3 (Back to Paradise) | Entry 4 (Coastal Café) | Entry 5 (Brand New Interiors) | Entry 6 (HHP Recap Collection 1) | Entry 7 (Beating Paradise Planning) | Entry 8 (Thursday Sunsets) | Entry 9 (Flowers of Lawai'i) | Entry 9 (Decorator by Day) | Entry 10 | Entry 11 (Sunday Scaries)

Life in Lawai'i (City Folk): Entry 1 (Take Me To The City) | Entry 2 ( (Frustratingly) Finding My Footing) ) | Entry 3 (BOO!) | Entry 4 (Living a Lifetime in a Week) |
Entry 5 (The Totally Sweet Day Jacob Came Back To Town)
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I'm excited to put together my first entry! Here's the thing about Lawai'i...

I have owned and operated this island since the first day New Horizons came out. Needless to say, I don't much expand upon a lot of what is already designed on my island these days. A lot of the time, Lawai'i will see island updates in the form of Holiday updates or changing specific furniture colors to match the current weather patterns. Anywho. My plan for this blog is to kind of walk my reader(s) through what I've already developed, and the places on my island that I love!

Let's begin with one of my newest areas- it's not even entirely finished!


Welcome to my boardwalk and amusement pier!

Located at the very top left of my island, I wanted to put together a sort of boardwalk area, inspired by my real life beach town on the Jersey Shore. I LOVE the look of the lights on these items, so I thought this would be a super fun addition to my island, and I think it really adds interest to the Night Life going on in my island. I really wanted a Doo Wop boardwalk in my beach paradise.


I wanted to make sure there were lots of accessibility between the placement of all my rides/items. I wanted to be able to walk around and sit all around the boardwalk pier, just as I would in real life. Kind of gives it a genuine vibe when I'm visiting it in the game.


Of course... I had to add an ABD near the carnival games...


I've been playing around with what items I felt could match the vibe of this pier, especially ones that light-up. My leading sources of light that I love the look of are star fragments sprinkled around the pier! Due to this experimentation (still ongoing), this pier remains a Work In Progress, and I can imagine it staying that way for a very long time. Regardless, I am a fan of how fun it all looks now, and definitely enjoy stopping by the pier whenever I pick up the game-- especially because I put this pier only a couple meters away from my in-game house! Just a quick walk through my "backyard" beach brings me right to the pier.

Thanks for viewing this first blog post, dedicated to my boardwalk!
(PS. Unedited not proofread... sorry if it was a challenge to read LOL)



The Lazy River!


For my second blog post, I wanted to keep things a little consistent with day 1. Both locations I've shared so far have been inspired by the Jersey Shore, and in my opinion, there is no amusement park or boardwalk complete without a water park & lazy river! So, I added one to my island. This lazy river is a little more tropical than the ones at waterparks, though. In the middle of the river ring is a sort of outdoor tropical aquarium with fish scattered around in tanks for the player to look at!


The lazy river is one of my favorite spots on my island. I put in a waterfall feature in the back for some ambiance and sounds of the rushing water, so laying out in the chairs or hammocks that I spread around is very relaxing and a nice place to idle.

Another reason I really like this spot on my island is because in the past, I've actually used this design during some TBT contests! It's gotten a lot of positive feedback and I believe I even won a staff favorite award to this location (?). It's got a lot of history behind it!


Another feature I really like about the lazy river is that it works in all of the seasons; another connection that fits in with the rest of my island. I use a lot of paths and patterns to put this together, and thankfully they're mostly sand-based, so regardless of the season, it doesn't need any updating!

This lazy river is the perfect place to relax, and just like my boardwalk, is located VERY close to my house. It's the perfect getaway!


Thanks for viewing this second blog post, dedicated to my lazy river!


What's a tropical island without the local Juice Bar?


As self explanatory as it is, there's actually a lot of sentimentality that went behind putting in a juice bar/smoothie place on my island. In real life I worked in and managed a little smoothie place on my (real life) island called "Fresh!" for about three years. It was a huge part of my life, and I worked there through my primary Animal Crossing play time. So, I decided it was appropriate to include one on my fake island too!

It's honestly nothing too wild. Giant yellow house with yellow stalls and a custom juice menu board I found online! Super simple!


That being said, I wanted this juice bar to actually have a place on my island that makes sense. So, I placed it right at the top of the waterfalls behind my lazy river, and right before the entrance to the boardwalk, if you can imagine that. I thought this feature would be fitting the go after those two in my blog.

The decor and landscaping are all warm tones and yummy fruits! Oranges and coconuts, more specifically. I will admit that having it winter right now takes a little away from the juice bar aesthetic, but thankfully the yellows still POP.


Quick note: The We're Open diner sign is one of my absolute favorite items in the whole game. It inspired me to have a storefront on my island so that i can actually use it. Regardless, in this photo, you can really get a better look at the nice- albeit nonfunctional, lol- outdoor seating overlooking the lazy river.


This juice bar is another location where the waterfall ambiance really adds a lot! It's really a nice place to just and just idle within the game.

My closing notes on today's entry is that the inside is sadly not yet decorated or functional. I REALLY want to decorate all the rooms inside as a normal smoothie bar (Maybe even a cheeky speakeasy), but for right now, the outside is purely cosmetic. But, I'm okay with leaving this project TBD, as it's one of the many things that I will be able to work on if I ever decide to hardcore come back to the game!

Thanks for viewing this third blog post, dedicated to my juice bar!

PS. Flick is here today!
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Let's talk a little bit about my house! More specifically, my front yard. :]


Now I won't lie, I'm pretty dissappointed in myself due to the photography skills today. I was hoping for a beautiful clear sunset pic. What did we get? Clouds. At least it's matching real life weather. Bleh. But also, chill.


I figured it would be a good time to show off my home exterior today. In the previous days, I make a lot of connections to my house geographically, so it felt like an easy segway. First of all, my house is located on the west side of my island, as are the boardwalk, lazy river, and juice bar. This is where I live in the game and thus I wanted to make all the structures around it reminiscent of my home in real life. I chose the peninsula looking area to place my home for a natural yard, and to be close water and the beach! How fun!

My font yard extends down all the way to the southwest beach, where I have a nice long open field of both grass and sand, which used to act as storage to just drop my ****! You'll see in a photo soon that I've actually changed it up to be a nice pretty looking garden. Yay!

To the right of my house (where you see the mailbox), I have my cute little bike sitting under a palm tree! I have a bike in real life, so it seemed appropriate.


I won't be showing it today, but up the stairs on the right is actually an inclined neighborhood of some of my villagers. It's pretty cute, and also where I keep my gyroids. Hopefully I have time to share that area another day. :]

Continuing down south on my island, I wanted to make it feel like a private beach area only for my character. I put nice lounge chairs out and almost like a beach deck. Here I have some of my little decor and my own private hot tub. How fancy am I?


This mini pool/hot tub is my favorite item in the entire game. When it first came out, the purple pool reminded me so much of vaporwave which was a HUGE inspiration and jumping off point for my whole island. I kind of gravitated towards this pool item. I have about 9 of them in my storage. Not sure what to do with them now, but alas. Here's one of them in use.

Now make a quick right and you've arrived at my aforementioned garden!


I used to have a plethora of flowers of every color and type absolutely taking over my beach. Wasn't sure what to do with them. My solution you ask? Well I let some friends come and pluck what they wanted and then I trashed the rest, literally. I did, however, decide to keep roses of every color that I had. Turns out pink roses were running rampant so I was actually able to use them in my garden design, complete with a vaporwave-esque statue to match the vaporwave-esque pool. And voila. Add a couple benches and I have myself yet another amazing idle spot to listen to the beach sounds! No music plays in this area.

Thanks for viewing this fourth blog post, dedicated to my yard!

Unfortunately, it's looking like I won't have time to blog today! Have a busy weekend ahead of me, so I will try to pick this blog back up on Sunday or Monday!



Welcome to the Diner!


Now what (originally) vaporwave inspired island is complete without a pink and cyan diner? So many items in this game lend itself to SOME sort of location like this, so I had a lot of fun putting it together.

This diner is located outside, which gives it a nice rest-stop appeal right outside of my outdoor shopping mall/center. I made sure to use a bit of statues in this diner to push the aesthetic, even on the outside near the entrance.


I honestly think I went right up to the line of obvious in terms of aesthetic, without going too far. My personal opinion. Maybe its a little much to the next guy. Honestly, this area isn't too large, so I can easily grab most of the inside in just one screenshot, so I only have three pictures to share today!

Now, I will say that I did find inspiration for this cafe somewhere online a long time ago. I believe it probably has evolved over the years, but the general layout and color-scheme is nothing unique here. I just think it's fun!


PS. How fun is this lava lamp? This is another great idle spot on my island; a place to sit and wait while my friends are off enjoying and exploring the rest the island has to offer! With the cafe updates, it also a nice place to take a to-go cup of coffee, which I think is very fun. :)

Thanks for viewing this fifth blog post, dedicated to my diner!
Again, not proofread, haha.


☆ Welcome to Lawai'i's outdoor museum! ☆


Let me paint a little picture for all my lovely readers: The island of Lawai'i began on the first day Animal Crossing New Horizons was released. A lot of outdoor designs were going viral, getting discovered, and being shared all over the internet. One of the first buildings you received in the game was the museum! I was extremely bright-eyed with the island terraforming tools, so I decided to emulate a fun little museum location design that I found somewhere trending. Waterfalls. All around.

It's a little bit obnoxious, now that I think about it. But when the game was new, this was still a really cool feature to put EVERYWHERE, just because we could. Well, I decided to keep my general museum layout. It's a reminder of my creativity when the game began and I like to keep it relatively in-tact. However, it's been updated quite a bit over the years.


I began decorating! Naturally, as I started getting more and more fossils in the game, I ended up having tons of extra dinos laying in my storage. I would even sell triples or quadruples of certain fossils, but I always keep at least one extra, non-donated fossil so I can make dinos all around my island if I wanted to!

Luckily, I ended up have a whole lot of extra finished dinos that I was able to utilize them when I decided I wanted an OUTDOOR extension of my museum. Almost like a little zoo, a fun place for my visitors to walk around outside and it feels pretty fresh as an addition to my real museum, that everyone has their own of.


Complete with about 12 extra dinos outside, this museum extension is actually quite large. Thus, I couldn't show it all in four screenshots! But that's okay, I like to leave a little bit hidden for anyone who might visit my island for themselves.

The outdoor museum has benches, lighting, water fountains, art, stairs, etc.; everything you would need for it to feel like a REAL museum. I'm pretty proud of the effort I put into the museum area, it's definitely lasted longer than any other designed space on my island. Lots of nostalgia here, and it has survived multiple island aesthetic revamps.


Thanks again for checking out my daily blog, now back in full swing. Hope you enjoy this sixth entry, all about my outdoor museum. :]



Everyone's got a pumpkin patch on their islands, right??


I was going back and forth debating on wether this part of my island deserves to be featured in this blog, but I decided why not! There is cute history around the pumpkin patch and I love to walk around here every fall season.

While I know it is out of season and doesn't work anytime that's NOT halloween, believe it or not, Lawai'i used to be primarily a fall and halloween island! Halloween is my favorite holiday, especially in the Animal Crossing world. It's just such a fun and cute aesthetic. Well, when the pumpkins were introduced to the game (before all the different kinda of crops that I'm still not educated on), this was the big thing to focus on at the time! I LOVED getting all the pumpkin colors and furniture items. Between the time they came out, and the time when other crops were released, I stopped playing Animal Crossing largely. I never expanded my "farm" area to be larger than pumpkins, so I just decided to leave it kind of as an artifact.

Honestly, thinking back at when I made this, I'm getting really nostalgic for 2020 lockdown time. I need to move on before it gets too strong.

I don't have many pictures to share as this pumpkin patch is not too large, but I do have a cute little fruit orchard in the back! I wanted this pumpkin patch to feel like a real outing, and near my house, all pumpkin patches have apple orchards as well.


Thanks again for checking out my daily blog. Hope you enjoy this seventh entry, all about my pumpkin patch. :]




For some reason I've had the absolute hardest time sitting down and putting together my next post. I literally only have a few more before I have the sweet book collectible. Here we go.

May I introduce you, my readers, to my Island Entrance!


My island entrance is another part of my island that has fallen victim to the "has seen multiple iterations" trope. I have a really short entrance. The town hall is only a couple blocks (maybe 1 acre? I forget how acres are counted in animal crossing) away from my dock and DIRECTLY in a straight walking line. It's honestly super lucky and beautiful because I did 0 soft resetting. And my dock is yellow. It's all perfection.


Regardless, the location of Town Hall allowed for some really great designs over the years! I currently have a bit of a natural island aesthetic happening, so it's nice to have a little bit of wildness around a straight path for my current design of it. I can't really see myself changing the layout anytime soon! Maybe the decor will change, but overall, I have my waterfalls, beach decor (light house etc.), and some light up items! it's also littered with flowered. I'm very happy with the look of my entrance right now! I have also gotten a lot of compliments during past trades which always feels nice :>


Thanks again for checking out my blog. Hope you enjoyed this eighth entry, all about my island entrance. :]



☆ The tropical beaches and jetties of Lawai'i ☆


Now, today might not be the most exciting entry to Life in Lawai'i, but I thought that the beaches on my island were important to talk about!

When Animal Crossing: New Horizons was announces and teased, I was absolutely FLOORED with the decision to make the game island themed. I had been a huge fan of Animal Crossing: New Leaf- that game was the reason I joined the Bell Tree Forums in the first place- and my absolute favorite feature was Tortimer Island! I loved the music, aesthetic, get-away aspect, and the overall beachy vibe. I would often find myself playing for many hours just fishing for sharks or catching super rare beetles to sell.

Needless to say, I was thrilled that Animal Crossing: New Horizons was BEACH THEMED. It seemed perfect to me. On the early days of the game, the beaches were where I spent most of my time, and the first areas to be decorated.

Here's a fun fact: this image below is the absolute first thing I decorated on Lawai'i. I have never moved these items. Countless photos of visitors and friends have been taken on these exact chairs and hammocks near the ocean.


It seemed extremely important to add to my animal crossing blog :]

Now. I will say, I had a lot of high hopes for Kapp'n when he was announced for this game. Coming off from the high of New Leaf, I thought he had a boatload (pun intended) to offer to this game. It seemed like his domain. Unfortunately, I have been left desiring SO MUCH MORE from the mystery islands and his role in this game. Where is his family? Why are they not a part of his function? I am pretty sure I might have seen them in the expansion pack for this game, but by the time that released, I had honestly lost momentum and interest in playing this game daily. Really, really sad. But, I will say that I liked seeing Kapp'n in this game physically. Being able to decorate his dock is super fun, so I did just that!


R.I.P. to the Infamous, but loved by me, Tortimer Island for AC:NL, but at least I can memorialize it with a pretty beach blanket set up in New Horizons.

Thanks again for checking out my blog. Hope you enjoyed this ninth entry, all about my island beaches. :]



And at a BRISK 7 days later- and about 5 days before the deadline for this event- I have finally found the time to put together a closing post for this wonderful event.

Welcome to my Day 10 blog post. This won't be a long one!


The Animal Crossing New Year New Horizons event came at an extremely transformative time in my life. On January 30th, I officially started my first big boy job. Animal Crossing has been a pretty steady constant in my life since I started playing Wild World back in 2008. New Horizons had a HUGE impact on my in college, during COVID, but kind of fell off for me.

It's a little bit poetic to me that I've been able to move from Elementary school, to high school, to college, and now to my full time career with Animal Crossing STILL having an impact and presence in my life. I'm actually extremely grateful for this event in that regard. What a fun way to decompress after the long days at work. New stress has been added to my life, and looking forward to these Animal Crossing moments in my work day has been a bit of a blessing.

Today I logged in for a little bit to find a cute screenshot to share this momentus closing of this event for me, and I think I found a really great moment to highlight: Gullivarrr passed out on my beach. Today was a long work day for me, and there is nothing I'm craving more than to pass out asleep on the beach in a pirate costume.


I knew I just had to pop a squat right next to him and capture this moment.

So with that, I was to say Thank you everyone for reading my blog or viewing my pictures. I really did have a fun time being able to show off my island, I've always had an interest in starting a blog for Lawai'i. (I actually do have a super old one, I just never had the motivation to continue it!)

Who knows, maybe one day I'll pick this blog back up if I ever get back into Animal Crossing. I seem to have a really easy to follow template prepared thanks to this event!

As always, thanks again for checking out my blog. Hope you enjoyed this tenth and final entry! Super hype for this new collectible :>





Been a while since I've used this thread!

I was having a really relaxing morning today, and decided it would be fun to whip out Animal Crossing for the first time in a while. Last time I played was back during the New Year New Horizons event. I figured I might as well blog today, and maybe this will become a regular thing for me again! :] I've been craving Animal Crossing so much recently IRL, so I'm hopeful that if I could even turn this into a once a week thing, I'll get that boost of seratonin back in my life when I hear the AC noises. Lols

Today was a chill day in Lawai'i, I was just doing a lot of housekeeping. Primarily, I wanted to say hello to all of my favorite villagers. I want to save some more exciting activities for later, like going to new islands, setting up a new rainbow rose garden (something I had in New Leaf that I loved), and expanding on the inside of my Juice Bar. Today was all about getting back into the game and refamiliarizing myself with the minutia of simple chores.


Everyone was excited to see me! Apparently it's been like, 7 months lol. Oops! Having them be upset with me is like half of the reason I keep pushing this game off. I feel so bad when I have a bad friendship status with the characters, so this fall I'm going to work on getting that up. I really want photos of all my characters! I think probably 8 or 9 of my villagers are pretty permanent. Maybe I'll delve into that sentiment a little more on another blog post at a later date. :lemon:

I had a LOT of mail waiting for me, which was awesome because I had some pretty sweet gifts that I was able to open and store (or sell) which was a good first chore of the day. I even had some Redd and Katrina gifts that I must've forgotten to open last time I interacted with them in the winter. I'll attach some pics of my morning in Lawai'i:




(Oh yea, I got scammed once again. Of course. That's what I get for not looking up with the real pieces of art looks like.)


Found a bunch of the lads in hanging out at Town Hall so I had to snap a pic of all of us wearing black lolol. Usually we're a colorful bunch so this was interesting. Lots of singing today by zell too!

For those who have never visited, Lawai'i has a LOT of flowers!! So, today I spent a lot of time catching butterflies :> I let my older brother catch some bugs and fish too. Flick was visiting today so I sold a bunch of bugs and sent in for a cool dragonfly commission.


(Getting clapped at. Thank you, thank you. :blush:)


This will be my first commissioned piece, so I'm actually really excited to see what it looks like!! I didn't google this one to see how big it is but I'm hoping it's gonna be a massive dragonfly that I can place in one of my gardens. I thought he'd be able to do multiple commissions at a time, so that kinda stinks, but I'm still hype. I'll post a pic to this blog when it's ready! Yay

And that's all I got for today! A very slow ease back into blogging. During New Year New Horizons, I really just focused on profiling the hot spots on my island, so now I'm hoping these blog posts will have a little visual context of where I am. I'm not much of a writer, so this will always stay very casual. Hope you enjoyed and will come back to read more about Life in Lawai'i!


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It's a super chill day in Lawai'i! I booted up my game around 6:00pm and was met with an absolutely beautiful sunset ingame. Very perfect! Today, I'm not expecting to do much on my island, but I do know it's time for a little decor change. Recently, I've been very inspired by roses. In fact, in New Leaf, one of my most proud areas of my town was a rainbow rose garden that I upkept. This is something that I feel has been missing on my New Horizons Island, so I know I want to get back into that. Hopefully some members on TBT will help me start that garden!

But first, my statue from flick came in! Let's check it out--


It's a Darner Dragonfly figurine!! How cool. It looks perfect on my beach yard here. Super happy with it!

Today, I also checked out the shops and was PLEASANTLY surprised at what I found in nooks store, for like the first time ever. There's usually NOTHING I like, but I saw this super cool scooter! It felt very European to me, so I instantly bought it and put it on display near my Vaporwave cafe. I'm sure I'll find a cooler place for this one day but I just absolutely love this item. I've never seen it before in-game!


Anyway, here is the start of my rainbow rose garden! I plan on having these in multiple areas of my island. This first test run is done a little land cut out next to Peck's house. I don't have all the colors I need just yet, but this will be a long-time project, so once I get enough colorful roses, it will start to come together. I'm very excited!


I'll be playing a little bit longer tonight, so hopefully I can grab some more screenshots for a part two, maybe. We shall see!!

In any event, thank you for reading this super quick entry. Happy Sunday y'all! ~



I'm thrilled to announce that this week I've started the town of Lawai'i in Animal Crossing City Folk!!

In the past few weeks, I have been very nostalgic for some old time Animal Crossing, so it felt appropriate to boot up an older version of the game. Assuming it's okay with the moderators here, I am going to infuse blog posts into this thread for my new City Folk town. I am SO SO SO excited for this. I started this new file yesterday, and have so far only been able to find time after 9pm both nights. It has been the absolute best way to unwind and relax after a day at work.

So what did I do today in my new town? Well, honestly not too much! I'm easing into this one.

After booting up today, I went to nooks to pick up some tools. I now have a fishing rod, watering can, and bug net. So it's time to start making some money!


Check it out- already hit the Jackpot. I spent a little time fishing and catching bugs. Honestly, I should've donated this hammerhead like all the others (I donate the first catch of everything), but I couldn't resist starting off with a couple thousand bells, so I sold it!


Today I also had it in me to start a nice little rose garden. I LOVED doing this as a kid, and kind of lost that in new horizons. Picking up plants is so easy in this game, I forgot!! I'm hoping that I will wake up to some hybrids in the morning tomorrow =)


Finally, the last thing I did today was run down into the city and pick up my first reaction. Turns out it was sadness! IDK when I'll use this, but it's good to start getting my collection up now.

Aaaand this is about the point where my carpal tunnel starts to kick in. Not much of a busy day in Lawai'i, but I'm super excited to start this new era of my Animal Crossing journey.

Until next time!


Lawai'i in City Folk has completely consumed me the past couple of days. I seriously cannot remember being this absolutely sucked into a game since New Horizons came out back in 2020. City Folk wasn't my first animal crossing, Wild World was, but close enough. I had city folk as a kid, and the NOSTALGIA I get from this game is crazy. I'm sure like everyone can relate to that. But what's even weirder is that this time around, I'm actually enjoying getting back into the game as opposed to just playing it once for the sound track.

Anyway, it's been a couple of days since I blogged about me starting Lawai'i in city folk. A lot has happened since then--- kinda. I'm not ashamed to admit that I've been dabbling in some really low stakes time traveling. Primarily, keeping it within a 4-day travel period. Honestly, it's because I missed the turnips this morning, so I traveled back a wee bit to grab some, then I decided to do a cycle of time travelings (1 week) to sell the turnips. I need a little moolah!!! I forgot how hard it was to earn bells in this game.

I honestly haven't been taking too many screenshots, but here is a complete-ish list of the things that have been going on in Lawai'i since last blog!

- I got my first KK Slider song, KK Dixie, on Saturday night. Now I have music!
- I met Wendell, gave him food, and got a "Grass" path
- I got turnips from Joan
- I purchased a Halloween costume from Graciegrace's (witch costume)
- I caught a coelacanth!
- The flea market was today, so I bought and sold some really GREAT items of furniture to get my catalogue up
- Nook's n cranny got upgraded to Nook-n-go
- I paid of my first house loan! Upgrade comin' in hot tomorrow.
- I hit 100k + bells in my savings account
- I purchased an axe and a slingshot finally

A lot of great things happening! My flower garden is doing well too, although like NO hybrids are growing. I have one orange rose from all of the layout I have so far. It's tougher than I remember to grow hybrid colors. I'm going for rainbow gardens so the speed needs to pick up.



The Stalk Market Played Me This Week
Now, lemme walk you through the hardships of this week. Because, believe me, I was definitely punished for my time traveling. I tried purchasing about 30,000 bells worth of turnips this morning and did a weekly speedrun of turnip prices. Turns out I have a Steady Decline in turnip prices, so I sold at about 40 bells per turnip after buying them for 100 each. Flop. On my second try with the turnips, I took the ~15k I had left over, added to some fish money I sold, and bought ~50k worth of turnips the second round. This time, it was looking like a Large Spike in turnip money!! I was excited to cash in at ~250-300 per turnip; until....

I was trying to drop one of my bushels of 100 turnips (I have 5 bushels) on the ground to make room for the money, and I accidentally ATE 100 turnips. I screamed. Immediately without thinking, I closed the game for a reset. Whatever, I could handle resetti for a couple thousand bells back. Wrong. After I booted the game back up, all of the turnips were spoiled rotten. Rookie mistake

On my third time around, I had 0 bells to my name. So I went fishing. I caught a shark and a coelacanth which were EXTREMELY lucky catches, and then I sold them at 2x their price at today's flea market, so I made about ~80k in profit. Finally, I decided to take my chances one final time for a good turnip trade, and under up selling 80k worth of turnips at ~200 bells each. I walked away with almost 160k bells today, but it took HOURS of my day after messing up twice. Bleh. Left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm done with the stalk market for a little while.

Some Other Fun and Not-So-Fun Moments

Jeremiah REFUSED to sell his ping pong table. I WANTED IT SO BAD. I swear this is one of my all time favorite items in the game so I thought it was perfect that he was selling it during the flea market. Wrong I was.

Midge asked for a fun new catch-phrase so I made her one that was very appropriate for our hawaiian themed island/town

Ms. Bunny had FLEAS so I got rid of them for her. Very fitting for the day of the flea market


And finally, in an attempt to get a head start at having a perfect town, I reached out to all of my villager neighbors asking for fruits! I want to start orchards around my town, and I'm sick and tired of seeing just oranges; arguably the WORST fruit in the game. Hopefully I get some peaches or coconuts back tomorrow. We shall see!

Tried to use buzz-words, as you can tell.



This was a really long entry so I'll cut it there. I told you I was into it again! Thanks for reading yall!! More city folk content most certainly to come~ Until next time.



Monday in Lawai'i! This was a pretty chill day, not too much to report. But a couple fun and lucky things happened that I'm excited about!

First and foremost, I had my first run-in with wisp EVER. I woke up and his magic lamp was sitting right outside my house. How lucky is that. Well, I eventually found him and bottled him up. What a cute character! I filmed this interaction so I made some fun gifs out of it:


However, I didn't actually use him/let him out yet. I'm unsure if he will exist in his lamp after today, but after I bottled him up I put him in my house! Hopefully he'll still be here when i inevitably want to time travel and need him to clean up my weeds in the future :>


(There he is on my table, top left LOL)

The next exciting thing that happened today was my fruit messages! I sent out a couple requests for fruit in the last blog post, and I got some responses! In total I received:
- 3 Cherries
- 1 Coconut
- 1 Apple
- 2 Pears

I'm especially thrilled about the coconut, and I've already gotten it to spurt near my beach! Let's hope this grows!


Lastly, I took a trip to the city. It looked particularly beautiful in the sunset, so I took a couple snapshots. I was looking for Phinneas, but he wasn't here today. Will check again tomorrow!! I need a pinwheel or a balloon ASAP.



That's all I got today!! Thanks for tunin' in. Until next time!

Mini Lawai'i Update

Guess who moved in? :]


Super thrilled to have my boy Punchy in both New Horizons and City Folk now!

I gotta say, playing City Folk with a now defunct online community, no trading, and no wifi is definitely tough. I have a big blog post prepared coming in the future. Spoiler alert: I have been time traveling. It is very difficult and almost not worth it LOL. More to come on this. Happy Tuesday!​


[New Leaf tune, but definitely the vibe for this week in Animal crossing tune. Here's the song I'm writing this blog post to!]

What a week it's been... IRL life has been insane, but for some reason I'm way too addicted to City Folk right now! I have been playing for at least 2 hours every day for the past 2 weeks. A lot has happened since I last blogged, and quite honestly, it's starting to feel like way too much to even write about. But, I do take a lot of screenshots, so today's entry is going to be a photo dump of sorts for the last couple of days. Here are some of the highlights!


Phinneas has been visiting a lot! I made sure to pick up a couple pinwheels (one of my fav items) and a bunny balloon for good measure. Love having these toys with me!



Been seeing a lot of comedy shows recently, just picked up laughter finally!



Donated a BUNCH of Moolahh to the town fund, so I now have both the fountain and a lighthouse! YES! I wanted a light house so so bad, to go along with the slight tropical vibe of Lawai'i. Im so thrilled that I have it. It exists literally right in front of my house too, on the beach. Just perfect,


Saw a KK Slider show last night! Got K.K. Cruisin' for my house


Got the Silver watering can! Complete shock; I got it for buying 50+ flowers from tom nooks shop in attempts of getting my town rating up.


Picked up a couple four-leaf clovers along the way!

Lawai'i is honestly thriving in City Folk right now! This game is much much slower paced than New Leaf or New Horizons. I can't go online to ask people for flowers, money, furniture, tools, etc. So I'm really out here enjoying the small things and the positive vibes. I know this blog post was very lackluster storywise, but I really try not to let myself stress out over blogging these moments. Just enjoying them as they happen :] More pics to come!
Until next time!


Mini Lawai'i Update

I got my first fortune told this evening, wanted to share :]



It's been a chill past couple of days on Lawai'i, I've just been buying a bunch of flowers in attempts to get a perfect town.

The turnips for this week are at a random fluctuation, so I sold today at 130 bells a pop! Nothing huge, but I did make a profit. Something like 750k -> 900k bells. Pretty happy with that!

Not much else to report today, but I have been collecting lots of candys for halloween coming up soon 🎃