Pit main from the pits of heck
ꫀꪜꫀꪀꪻ꠸ᦔꫀ ꠸ᦓꪶꪖꪀᦔ
To you who has traveled to this island...
I present you with a challenge. In your travels, you've relied on the equipment you've found along the way.
Here, you must cast this equipment aside and face this trial with only your wits and whatever you can scavenge.
Offer up the orbs to the three altars on this island. Only then will I acknowledge your skill and return your items.
To you who has traveled to this island...
I present you with a challenge. In your travels, you've relied on the equipment you've found along the way.
Here, you must cast this equipment aside and face this trial with only your wits and whatever you can scavenge.
Offer up the orbs to the three altars on this island. Only then will I acknowledge your skill and return your items.
A few days ago I decided since I transferred my main island to my sister's Switch and I'm left with a new blank save, to begin a quest to recreate the highly unique and memorable location from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
While an exact replica would likely be impossible, as the complex landscape as it is, and because my Resident Services building as well as other pre-determined locations won't be movable, I plan to try and get as close to a recreation of the area as I can.
When I originally created the island, TLoZ: TotK had not yet been released (it was early March at the time), but now that it has, I plan to try and make the BotW version of the island, but with TotK references and features within it as well. I will likely need a lot of help doing this, as the island I'm using for this has only played up until the point when you begin the quest for K.K. Slider, so any contributions are very welcome!
For a few details about it:
ꫝꫀꪑ꠸ᦓρꫝꫀ᥅ꫀ: Northern
ꪀꪖꪻ꠸ꪜꫀ ᠻ᥅ꪊ꠸ꪻ: Apples
ꪀꪖꪻ꠸ꪜꫀ ᠻꪶꪮ᭙ꫀ᥅: Hyacinths
ꪖ꠸᥅ρꪮ᥅ꪻ ᥴꪮꪶꪮ᥅: Blue
ꪑꪖ꠸ꪀ ꪻꫝꫀꪑꫀ: Other than TLoZ, Jungle/Wilderness
ꪀꪖꪻ꠸ꪜꫀ ᠻ᥅ꪊ꠸ꪻ: Apples
ꪀꪖꪻ꠸ꪜꫀ ᠻꪶꪮ᭙ꫀ᥅: Hyacinths
ꪖ꠸᥅ρꪮ᥅ꪻ ᥴꪮꪶꪮ᥅: Blue
ꪑꪖ꠸ꪀ ꪻꫝꫀꪑꫀ: Other than TLoZ, Jungle/Wilderness
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