7-11 DLC


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2013
So I got a hold of the 7-11 set thanks to a member of this forum :) (not sure whether or not to mention her name xD aha).

But yeh, made an unboxing and gameplay video of it in case you're curious :)

eeeek exciting! I should be receiving mine soon as well. Glad to see you had no trouble getting the items in game. I've already got half my shop built and waiting for the 7-11 items haha
So... Clyde unlocks the 7-11 set if you have the amiibo card? I actually do have his card I think.
Grats! :) I'm really excited and happy for you ^_^.

So does this mean that eventually every region will be getting the 7-11 DLC? :D Originally this was Japan exclusive, right?
So... Clyde unlocks the 7-11 set if you have the amiibo card? I actually do have his card I think.

No, Clyde does not come with these items. They were saved on his card with the amiibo write data feature.

Grats! :) I'm really excited and happy for you ^_^.

So does this mean that eventually every region will be getting the 7-11 DLC? :D Originally this was Japan exclusive, right?

NA and EU still do not have these DLC, they are only attainable (outside of Japan) from someone saving the items on an amiibo card and giving the card to you to download the items into your own game.
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No, Clyde does not come with these items. They were saved on his card with the amiibo write data feature.

NA and EU still do not have these DLC, they are only attainable (outside of Japan) from someone saving the items on an amiibo card and giving the card to you to download the items into your own game.
Ah, never knew that. And I didn't realize that the card came all the way to japan. Makes much sense now.
No, Clyde does not come with these items. They were saved on his card with the amiibo write data feature.

NA and EU still do not have these DLC, they are only attainable (outside of Japan) from someone saving the items on an amiibo card and giving the card to you to download the items into your own game.

Ah. Bummer. :/

Yep, it is.

Remember North America got the Louie announcement after Europe did. I bet we'll get 7-11 stuff too, we just don't know how/when yet.

I'm being optimistic anyway. I really, really want it. Most of those items simply don't have any equivalents in the game as a default, and I want those items for making some stores.