Pokémon 80 Questions for Pokémon Fans about the Pokémon Universe


Let's play a game.
Oct 11, 2013
1. Spell Pok?mon phonetically.
2. How do Pok?mon trainers fund their journeys? Red gets handed like ?3,000 or ?5,000 from his mother, but not everyone has that luxury, so what do they do?
3. Can you get a loan from the bank to be a Pok?mon trainer? Is there Pok?mon financial aid?
4. Are there special food stamps for Pok?mon Trainers?
5. Are trainers killing each other?
6. Why have the police done nothing about people loitering?
7. How has the world of Pok?mon not turned into turmoil?
8. Is there an ongoing debate over Pok?mon Control?
9. Would you ever, in your right mind, PAY SOMEONE for beating you? Why or why not?
10. What happens when you run out of money? What happens when the person you beat is broke and was banking on you losing?
11. Can you play for keeps? Can you play to the death?
12. Why do trainers opt to sleep in the wilderness? Aren't there Pok?mon that eat trainers?
13. Are there no hotels that trainers can sleep at? Oh wait. That costs money. Disregard this question.
14. If you can ride on Pok?mon, are there any airlines in the Pok?mon Universe? What are the rules on air space?
15. Why aren't there constant reports of missing trainers?
16. Why aren't there constant reports of trainers blacking out? Is Red the only person who can't stand to lose?
17. Can trainers be pickpocketed? Like is it possible for me to steal someone's Pok?mon?
18. What do you do if you get your Pok?mon pickpocketed?
19. What happens if you pull up to the battle scene with your Pok?mon missing? Let me answer that for you: pray that your opponent isn't sadistic.
20. How does a gym get set up? How do gym leaders get selected?
21. What exactly is the Pok?mon League?
22. How do I join?
23. Are Gym Leaders employed by the Pok?mon League? What are the requirements of being a gym leader?
24. Can Gym Leaders be trainers as well?
25. What are the requirements of being a league trainer? Like what's the age cutoff? Do I have to be in a certain physical condition? Do I have to pass a drug test or a criminal test?
26. Does the Pok?mon League accommodate trainers with physical and/or mental disabilities?
27. Do I really have to get all of the gym badges before I join the Pok?mon League? What if my Pok?mon's strength and my bond with them are superb? Can't I just pay an entry fee?
28. Can gym badges expire? If yes, what do I do in that situation?
29. Are gyms open year round?
30. Are tournaments televised or streamed online or broadcasted on the radio?
31. What Pok?mon am I not allowed to use in a tournament? I don't remember if MissingNo. can be trained, but include it for consideration.
32. If I lose in the final round, can I simply come back next year and try again, or do I have to go back and get all of the badges again?
33. What are the requirements of being a Pok?mon League champion? Is it a position or an accolade? If it's a position, how long can I hold that position? If it's an accolade, can I come back and win again?
34. Can I get a sponsorship to go to other regions? Who out there is willing to sponsor trainers?
35. How many retries am I allowed in any given region? Do I have to start paying after a while?
36. Let's say I'm a father or mother. Can my family get reimbursed by the Pok?mon League if I die due to causes from training or from a match at a league tournament?
37. Where can I buy Pok?mon training insurance?
38. How does the Pok?mon League make money?
39. What exactly is Team Rocket's plan (not exclusive to Jessie & James)?
40. How did the Team Rocket family get started?
41. Are groups like Team Rocket the only ones who cause trouble? Is everyone else in the Pok?mon universe just a saint? There's never been like a trainer who got angry one day and realized they were wielding an army around their waist?
42. How do you join a Pok?mon crime family?
43. Have there ever been cases of psychopathic or sociopathic trainers?
44. From what I've seen, selling Pok?mon is frowned upon. Why? Wouldn't that demonize pet shops too?
45. Wouldn't Pok?mon pet shops make more sense than trading Pok?mon?
46. Wouldn't Pok?mon pet shops make more sense than throwing caution to the wind and going into the woods to catch a wild animal?
47. What does the Pok?mon food chain look like? Has it even been figured out yet?
48. Why do Pok?mon blindly trust and obey trainers?
49. Go set an animal trap outside your house. Come back when you have caught something in it. Do you really expect this animal to trust you or even care about you?
50. Why do Pok?mon act like convenient plot devices instead of like actual animals?
51. How do Pok?centers work?
52. How much is Pok?mon Healthcare. I know you don't pay each time you go to a Pok?center, but how much do you pay each month?
53. Why is virtually every injury curable in seconds?
54. What about broken bones?
55. What about internal bleeding?
56. What about missing limbs? What about missing limbs from birth?
57. Can Pok?centers cure Pok?mon depression?
58. What did earlier Pok?balls look like?
59. Who invited the Pok?ball?
60. Can humans be caught in a Pok?ball? If yes, can a human be healed at a Pok?center?
61. How does a Pok?ball know what to catch and what not to catch?
62. What if another Pok?mon got in the way of your Pok?ball cast?
63. What if you're not able to use your arms?
64. How much does it cost to use Bill's computer service?
65. If it doesn't, then why not? It's just like any storage unit.
66. Does every Pok?mon that we'll ever see in future generations exist right now, or do new ones come around over the years?
67. Can present day Pok?mon go extinct?
68. Is there a Pok?mon Wildlife preservation? If yes, what are they doing to ensure that Pok?mon won't go extinct?
69. What Pok?mon are endangered right now?
70. What do cities do about strays?
71. Does the Pok?mon Universe have a Sarah McLachlan?
72. Are there people who hunt Pok?mon?
73. If yes, when is Pok?mon hunting season? Does it coincide with training season? If yes, why?
74. What do commercial Pok?mon fishermen catch water Pok?mon for?
75. What Pok?mon are safe to eat?
76. If there are any, which are considered rare delicacies and which are not?
77. Is rare candy safe for human consumption? Can you smoke it or sniff it?
78. What is rare candy made out of?
79. Nintendo exists in the Pok?mon Universe. Do Yu-Gi-Oh and Digimon exist as well?
80. Will I go to Pok?mon Hell for asking these questions?
I'm not going to answer all 80, but here are a few.

2. Selling drugs
3. Yes, but if you don't pay the bank back, it sends it's Meowth to kill you and take your money
5. Yes, if the other trainer doesn't pay you, they die
9. See above answer
10. See number 5 again
15. Cause the trainers who disappear are losers and their lives are worthless
20. Gym leaders are selected the same way Republican nominees are selected; just have lots of money and attention
27. No, that's why there are so many rich trainers on Victory Road
28. Yes. You have to go to the DMV and get them renewed.
30. Only on PPV.
33. Money, money, and more money. As long as you have it, you can be the champion. Or you can just sell the title to someone else with a ton of money.
38. They are the drug lords
39. To be a massive drug cartel and force all competitiors out of business or kill them
45. Selling Pokemon is illegal
48. They are addicted to your drugs
49. They'll fight for you and help you earn a ton of money and then turn around and kill you when you're rich and take your money
53. The Pokemon Centers just shoot some heroin into your Pokemon that masks the pain and allows them to fight again
57. Well, the drugs help them get high for a short time, but then they crash and get even more depressed
59. Al Gore
66. They are being created in labs just like any other genetically modified animal
68. The Safari Zone?
69. The weak ones of course. Like Pikachu.
70. Shoot and kill them with a gun
74. They are useful for killing them, stuffing drugs inside them, and shipping them as food when really their bodies are just being used to smuggle drugs
75. The ones that look like food
77. Of course it's a drug. That's why you can't buy it in stores.
78. Crack cocaine
79. They exist if you smoke enough weed
80. Yes. Pokemon hell is like Pokemon heaven except there are no drugs there

So basically, the entire Pokemon universe revolves around money and drugs. I hope that answers most of your questions.
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1. Poh-kay-munh
2. In the video game, we all know trainers funds their journay by battling other trainers as the victor gets prize money in order to pay for food, items, first-aids, and more. But what makes me wonder is what about those trainers giving you the prize money? Do they work or go back home or what? Right now, I believe it is depending on trainer. Trainers like school boy and bug boy go back home to family and get some allowance. While Rinch boys and Rich girls go back and just gets their crazy income money out of nowhere.
3. I would say yes. They have to start somewhere if you ask me. Or they can just go the cheap way if they don't go to the bank and use Meowth's pay day move.
4. I believe there is.
5. This question is interesting as you do not see anyone in the anime or video game killing each other. However, in the manga version of Pok?mon, that is quite a different story.
6. Policemen and Officer Jenny are like the policemen in real life in a way. They attend to crime. But they pay less attention to the ones that are not much of a threat to other people. However, if they do catch someone loitering, you better hope they give a warning and tell you to pick up the thrash instead of a ticket.
7. Remember, the logic in the game, anime, and manga is a bit weird. So of course with such a weird logic, it won't go turmoil any time soon.
8. After teams like Team Rocket, Team magma and aqua, and such gets defeated, no. Not exactly. Same goes to anime and manga.
9. Yes. Because rule states, in the video game at least, whoever defeats the trainer in a pok?mon battle, they get prize money.
10. I have two things that may occur. Either they will own you at a much later date, or you forgive him and let bygones be bygones.
11. I wouldn't play for keeps and neither for death.
12. There are. But chances of a Pok?mon eating you is the same chance for us to find a shiny pok?mon in a video game. Besides, camping out is healthy for us and you get a nice view, no? And the fact chances are also a wild pok?mon ends up being a friend instead of being a dangerous one is nice too.
13. I will not disregard. I am defending my pok?mon knowledge! But correct me if I am wrong. Trainers can sleep at a hotel or even live there if they wanted to. However, most trainer just stay there temporarily like for a day or two and continue their journey. However, I also would say a few trainer in the Hoenn region, and this is my logic in the video game, will rather live in a base rather than in a hotel.
14. Yes there is. There are airplanes (Which is seen in the anime), there is a cruise, there is a taxi, and more. It's pretty much the same rule for us. Except for the exception of a few tiny pok?mons like Ash's Pikachu which is allowed to stay outside their pok?ball.
15. I believe those may be independent trainers who rarely communicate with other people and people just forget them like nothing. But correct me if I am wrong as I think I am wrong in this one.
16. The thing about Red is, in the video game, you are Red, so technically, he's not the one losing. However, in the manga, Red rarely loses. Heck correct me if I am wrong again, I think he never lost in the manga resulting to the fact he never blacked out.
17. Yes they can be, as Team Rocket has done this a lot to Ash and his gang. Too bad they will never do so in a pok?mon video game.
18. The best thing I can do is look for ways that will leave them open wide and grab the pick pocketed pok?mon. Be it on my own or with any other remaining pok?mon with me. If I fail doing so, I report Officer Jenny.
19. The trainer has to understand I have no pok?mon to battle and wait for the next time we meet. Unless said trainer wants to help me recover said missing pok?mon. But most logic people use is that they consider it a win so you have to pay up anyways.
20. The gym leader sets themselves up choosing their favorite type and making a scene that fits their personalities and pok?mon type. How they are chosen, it is a mystery for me. But I believe it is either by relative, as I take Brock and Misty's as example and Liz and Taz as another, or the Pok?mon League pretty much determines if they are capable of being a Gym leader or not.
21. The Pok?mon League has two ways to be shown if you ask me. In Video Game, the pok?mon league is simply a challenge to see how much you have grown in your journey with the pok?mon you admire so much and trained along the way. In anime and manga, it is a tournament to determine who's said year's strongest trainer by challenging other trainers who also collected all 8 badges with the elite four and the region's champion in said tournament as well.
22. Like in any of the pok?mon series, collect all 8 badges by proving you are strong enough and have the willpower to go through hardships.
23. I want to say yes as they have to determine those who specialize in one pok?mon type in order to be a gym leader. And the moment they reach an elite four or see the progress they make with 6 pok?mons of said type, they get evaluated.
24. They already are. They had to start somewhere before becoming gym leaders.
25. I don't think there is a limit except not being younger than a 13 year old. However, Ash and Red if I recall are 10 year olds when they started, I believe.
26. Yes.
27. Yes. You need the badges in order to prove said bond and the hardships you and your pok?mons have gone through. And entree fee will not please them or prove them that you went through a lot of hardships or that you worked hard to get there.
28. I believe so as you would need to renew them by defeating the gym leader once again. And who knows? They may be more difficult than the last time. However, in video game, obviously they would never expire and you can just challenge the elite four and the champion various times.
29. In the video game, they look like they are opened all-year round. But in the anime and manga, gym leaders tends to be busy with other common chores or even emergencies to the point they close the gym for a while.
30. Yes. Because like a lot of people, some cannot afford making said trip to watch it live. So they watch it at home or listen to the radio or any other thing to know what is going on.
31. You can use any pok?mon actually. A few people have used legendaries before so I do not see why you cannot use them. However, if we go to the official pok?mon tournament hosted by nintendo, before, they never allowed legendaries due to the fact of how powerful they end up being. This year however, they allowed all trainer to take if they wanted to up to 2 legendary pok?mon.
32. You have to go back and do it all over again.
33. From what I understand, it is an accolade. You can go back and defeat the Pok?mon Champion over and over again if you work hard enough. However, there is only one time I have seen it as a tittle, and that is with Red after having defeated Gary. And even so, Red travels around the world.
34. You can. But that sponsorship has to be about pok?mon battle or pok?mon contest (The perfomance one to show how cool, cute or tough a pok?mon is). It would be best if you do not sponsor stuff that can be a lie like, "Buy this to make your pok?mon stronger than anyone else". They will just end up hating you.
35. No. You do not have to pay to retry and you can retry the Pok?mon league as many time as you want.
36. This is a tough one. If I recall, unfortunately, they cannot as they were not the one who earned said badges or work their way into the league. So they will probably let the other trainer proceed while showing respect after what happens to said trainer.
37. There is no Pok?mon training insurance as taking you pok?mon to the pok?mon center is free and they can heal it as often as you'd like, regardless of how they got hurt.
38. I have a few theories, but the only ones I see that makes sense are these:
They receive donation from Pok?mon fan club as I think they have a weekly quota in order to help the Pok?mon League out. They may also earn money by streaming the Pok?mon League to its audience even though I have never seen characters paying for said thing. Or maybe it can be both together to make it much easier.
39. Team Rocket is a team that Giovanni founded to steal strong pok?mon that would help him in world domination and becoming the strongest trainer as well. Giovanni even attempted to make Mewtwo his from what I understand for world domination from what i understand.
40. From what I have been explain, Gym Leaders get money from somewhere just for being that. A gym leader. Giovanni, being rich and getting the money for being a Gym Leader, uses that money to be the founder of Team Rocket and started recruiting and training those who wants to become much stronger, but they must help him dominate the world in return. He possibly even saved a few in order to make them return his favor by helping him out.
41. No. Team Rocket is not the only one in the Pok?mon Universe who hurts others or perform crimes. A lot of trainer has the right to decide to be a criminal with pok?mon if they want. But there will be consequences.
42. You probably need to go through some training before being accepted as a crime family or even be sent out on missions. Just like the policemen have training before working and fighting crime.
43. Yes there is.
44. Supposedly that is no way to treat a pok?mon one has captured. But I have only seen this occur with Magikarps. Again, correct me if I am wrong. And it is not so much about demonizing, it's more like you do not know what said person will do to said pok?mon and you are kind of heartless to sell out on the pok?mon you caught. For example, in the manga, people do eat pok?mon I believe. So imagine someone buying a Magikarp and cooking it.
45. No. It would make a lot less sense if you ask me.
46. Not exactly.
47. The pok?mon food chain is the same as the one in real life actually. However, in the video game or anime, I wouldn't say said food chain exist.
48. This is not really always the case. if we go to the anime, Ash's Pikachu did not trust him in the first place as Pikachu really doesn't like trainers keeping them on the pok?ball. Pikachu rathers be outside and disobey Ash when they first met. It took them a while before they started trusting each other too. Another example is Dawn's Buizel (Before it was then traided to Ash). Buizel wants to obey Dawn, but whenever Dawn gave a command, Buizel did something differently. So not all pok?mons trust blindly. It takes a lot of work to earn it.
49. Nope. You are limiting the poor pok?mon's freedom and you did not capture him the way they would approve. Most pok?mon rather listen and care for you if you proved them you earned their company.
50. They don't. Pok?mons just end up loving to help us out as we help them. Who knows? Maybe you took so much care of a wild pok?mon to the point that wild pok?mon may help you build a town on an empty and never used ground.
51. They work like any Vet. They go in with your pokemon and check them up. But in the video game, they just need your pok?ball and they healed up out of nowhere.
52. They don't have a health care. You just take them to the pok?mon center. Closest thing you can do if your town has none is call them up to arrive at your town as quick as possible or hope someone who is an expert with natural medicine can help.
53. This is quite explainable. But not all injuries are healed in seconds actually.
54. They take a lot of time to heal up like in real life.
55. That also takes time to heal up.
56. That... is a lost cause. You can give them a mechanical arm or so but, moves like aura sphere or so will be much harder for them to charge up.
57. Pok?mon depression is the same as our normal human depression.
58. I believe it is still the same red and white pok?ball. But I could be wrong.
59. The same man who sent Ash in a wild goose chase to investigate the GS ball. That would be Kurt, the pok?ball master. Again, correct me if I am wrong.
60. No. That does not work.
61. I believe the little red lazer it beams out has some sort of sensor to detect what it is trying to catch or call back in.
62. It will confuse it thinking you are trying to catch said pok?mon.
63. There is always a way my friend. Maybe someone later learns to kick them in order to catch them or call them out.
64. Nothing. It is free.
65. In my opinion, it should. But this is just in the video game logic. Most trainers in the anime do not have Storage space. Ash only has a lot of space because he lets Professor Oak borrow them for studies (I have no idea where he has so much space). Gym leader's gym ends up being huge so they can store a huge variety of their type specialty.
66. New one comes around yearly now and then. But most of the time, it is about something that exist already.
67. They can. In the manga universe, I believe they consider a few pok?mons in danger of extinction.
68. Yes. From what I understand, they do their best to find a mate in order for them to lay an egg by bonding.
69. The ones that are usually found as fossils and revived (which I have no idea how that reviving process works) that are always in danger of extinction.
70. In all honesty, nothing. Officer Jenny may decide to punish them a bit by putting cornering and whatever he did that could be wrong like stealing others properties or food and such. Or even kidnapping if it goes to as far as that. But if they do nothing wrong, they let them be and enjoy life with everyone.
71. No they do not.
72. Yes. But not your usual "Hunt and slay" kind of hunters. These are people who hunt pok?mon for money when it comes to rare pok?mons (Like maybe a Walrein with Stockpile and Spit? In other words, Pok?mon that are strong, rare, and with unusual moves), or if they decide to do so, legendary pok?mons. A lot of trainer dislike these Pok?mon hunters in the series. Think of them like specialized mercenaries.
73. There is no pok?mon hunting season and there never will be. Unless I am wrong and the manga universe says other wise which I have not completed yet.
74. Unfortunately, to sell them for money and selfish needs while not caring what the client bought it for.
75. Magikarp, Shelldon, Gyarados (Yes, he is safe to eat), Quillfish is safe if you remove the venom and... actually, pretty much the same thing we would eat that is safe with the same precautions.
76. Again, the same as the things we eat in real life. So maybe Gyarados is a rare delicacies as they make him sushi?
77. It is not safe for human as it was made for pok?mon to consume said item. No matter how a human tries to consume it, it is just as bad.
78. I believe they never explained that, but I think one of the most obvious thing is that it is mixed with the most common used pok?mon food and a few vitamins.
79. Actually, Nintendo only exist in the video game universe of Pok?mon. They do not exist in the anime or manga universe of Pok?mon. And I find it impossible for Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh or any other series to exist in the pok?mon universe unless they get to pay Nintendo and the Pok?mon company to promote them in said game. And even if they did said offer, they will never exist in a pok?mon game.
80. If I was Arceus, maybe. Hahaha! Nah, I am kidding. As Arceus or not, I will gladly have answer to the best I can of these pok?mon questions. Be it if I am wrong or not, always glad to help and keep an open mind about everyone's opinion.
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