Let's play a game.
1. Spell Pok?mon phonetically.
2. How do Pok?mon trainers fund their journeys? Red gets handed like ?3,000 or ?5,000 from his mother, but not everyone has that luxury, so what do they do?
3. Can you get a loan from the bank to be a Pok?mon trainer? Is there Pok?mon financial aid?
4. Are there special food stamps for Pok?mon Trainers?
5. Are trainers killing each other?
6. Why have the police done nothing about people loitering?
7. How has the world of Pok?mon not turned into turmoil?
8. Is there an ongoing debate over Pok?mon Control?
9. Would you ever, in your right mind, PAY SOMEONE for beating you? Why or why not?
10. What happens when you run out of money? What happens when the person you beat is broke and was banking on you losing?
11. Can you play for keeps? Can you play to the death?
12. Why do trainers opt to sleep in the wilderness? Aren't there Pok?mon that eat trainers?
13. Are there no hotels that trainers can sleep at? Oh wait. That costs money. Disregard this question.
14. If you can ride on Pok?mon, are there any airlines in the Pok?mon Universe? What are the rules on air space?
15. Why aren't there constant reports of missing trainers?
16. Why aren't there constant reports of trainers blacking out? Is Red the only person who can't stand to lose?
17. Can trainers be pickpocketed? Like is it possible for me to steal someone's Pok?mon?
18. What do you do if you get your Pok?mon pickpocketed?
19. What happens if you pull up to the battle scene with your Pok?mon missing? Let me answer that for you: pray that your opponent isn't sadistic.
20. How does a gym get set up? How do gym leaders get selected?
21. What exactly is the Pok?mon League?
22. How do I join?
23. Are Gym Leaders employed by the Pok?mon League? What are the requirements of being a gym leader?
24. Can Gym Leaders be trainers as well?
25. What are the requirements of being a league trainer? Like what's the age cutoff? Do I have to be in a certain physical condition? Do I have to pass a drug test or a criminal test?
26. Does the Pok?mon League accommodate trainers with physical and/or mental disabilities?
27. Do I really have to get all of the gym badges before I join the Pok?mon League? What if my Pok?mon's strength and my bond with them are superb? Can't I just pay an entry fee?
28. Can gym badges expire? If yes, what do I do in that situation?
29. Are gyms open year round?
30. Are tournaments televised or streamed online or broadcasted on the radio?
31. What Pok?mon am I not allowed to use in a tournament? I don't remember if MissingNo. can be trained, but include it for consideration.
32. If I lose in the final round, can I simply come back next year and try again, or do I have to go back and get all of the badges again?
33. What are the requirements of being a Pok?mon League champion? Is it a position or an accolade? If it's a position, how long can I hold that position? If it's an accolade, can I come back and win again?
34. Can I get a sponsorship to go to other regions? Who out there is willing to sponsor trainers?
35. How many retries am I allowed in any given region? Do I have to start paying after a while?
36. Let's say I'm a father or mother. Can my family get reimbursed by the Pok?mon League if I die due to causes from training or from a match at a league tournament?
37. Where can I buy Pok?mon training insurance?
38. How does the Pok?mon League make money?
39. What exactly is Team Rocket's plan (not exclusive to Jessie & James)?
40. How did the Team Rocket family get started?
41. Are groups like Team Rocket the only ones who cause trouble? Is everyone else in the Pok?mon universe just a saint? There's never been like a trainer who got angry one day and realized they were wielding an army around their waist?
42. How do you join a Pok?mon crime family?
43. Have there ever been cases of psychopathic or sociopathic trainers?
44. From what I've seen, selling Pok?mon is frowned upon. Why? Wouldn't that demonize pet shops too?
45. Wouldn't Pok?mon pet shops make more sense than trading Pok?mon?
46. Wouldn't Pok?mon pet shops make more sense than throwing caution to the wind and going into the woods to catch a wild animal?
47. What does the Pok?mon food chain look like? Has it even been figured out yet?
48. Why do Pok?mon blindly trust and obey trainers?
49. Go set an animal trap outside your house. Come back when you have caught something in it. Do you really expect this animal to trust you or even care about you?
50. Why do Pok?mon act like convenient plot devices instead of like actual animals?
51. How do Pok?centers work?
52. How much is Pok?mon Healthcare. I know you don't pay each time you go to a Pok?center, but how much do you pay each month?
53. Why is virtually every injury curable in seconds?
54. What about broken bones?
55. What about internal bleeding?
56. What about missing limbs? What about missing limbs from birth?
57. Can Pok?centers cure Pok?mon depression?
58. What did earlier Pok?balls look like?
59. Who invited the Pok?ball?
60. Can humans be caught in a Pok?ball? If yes, can a human be healed at a Pok?center?
61. How does a Pok?ball know what to catch and what not to catch?
62. What if another Pok?mon got in the way of your Pok?ball cast?
63. What if you're not able to use your arms?
64. How much does it cost to use Bill's computer service?
65. If it doesn't, then why not? It's just like any storage unit.
66. Does every Pok?mon that we'll ever see in future generations exist right now, or do new ones come around over the years?
67. Can present day Pok?mon go extinct?
68. Is there a Pok?mon Wildlife preservation? If yes, what are they doing to ensure that Pok?mon won't go extinct?
69. What Pok?mon are endangered right now?
70. What do cities do about strays?
71. Does the Pok?mon Universe have a Sarah McLachlan?
72. Are there people who hunt Pok?mon?
73. If yes, when is Pok?mon hunting season? Does it coincide with training season? If yes, why?
74. What do commercial Pok?mon fishermen catch water Pok?mon for?
75. What Pok?mon are safe to eat?
76. If there are any, which are considered rare delicacies and which are not?
77. Is rare candy safe for human consumption? Can you smoke it or sniff it?
78. What is rare candy made out of?
79. Nintendo exists in the Pok?mon Universe. Do Yu-Gi-Oh and Digimon exist as well?
80. Will I go to Pok?mon Hell for asking these questions?
2. How do Pok?mon trainers fund their journeys? Red gets handed like ?3,000 or ?5,000 from his mother, but not everyone has that luxury, so what do they do?
3. Can you get a loan from the bank to be a Pok?mon trainer? Is there Pok?mon financial aid?
4. Are there special food stamps for Pok?mon Trainers?
5. Are trainers killing each other?
6. Why have the police done nothing about people loitering?
7. How has the world of Pok?mon not turned into turmoil?
8. Is there an ongoing debate over Pok?mon Control?
9. Would you ever, in your right mind, PAY SOMEONE for beating you? Why or why not?
10. What happens when you run out of money? What happens when the person you beat is broke and was banking on you losing?
11. Can you play for keeps? Can you play to the death?
12. Why do trainers opt to sleep in the wilderness? Aren't there Pok?mon that eat trainers?
13. Are there no hotels that trainers can sleep at? Oh wait. That costs money. Disregard this question.
14. If you can ride on Pok?mon, are there any airlines in the Pok?mon Universe? What are the rules on air space?
15. Why aren't there constant reports of missing trainers?
16. Why aren't there constant reports of trainers blacking out? Is Red the only person who can't stand to lose?
17. Can trainers be pickpocketed? Like is it possible for me to steal someone's Pok?mon?
18. What do you do if you get your Pok?mon pickpocketed?
19. What happens if you pull up to the battle scene with your Pok?mon missing? Let me answer that for you: pray that your opponent isn't sadistic.
20. How does a gym get set up? How do gym leaders get selected?
21. What exactly is the Pok?mon League?
22. How do I join?
23. Are Gym Leaders employed by the Pok?mon League? What are the requirements of being a gym leader?
24. Can Gym Leaders be trainers as well?
25. What are the requirements of being a league trainer? Like what's the age cutoff? Do I have to be in a certain physical condition? Do I have to pass a drug test or a criminal test?
26. Does the Pok?mon League accommodate trainers with physical and/or mental disabilities?
27. Do I really have to get all of the gym badges before I join the Pok?mon League? What if my Pok?mon's strength and my bond with them are superb? Can't I just pay an entry fee?
28. Can gym badges expire? If yes, what do I do in that situation?
29. Are gyms open year round?
30. Are tournaments televised or streamed online or broadcasted on the radio?
31. What Pok?mon am I not allowed to use in a tournament? I don't remember if MissingNo. can be trained, but include it for consideration.
32. If I lose in the final round, can I simply come back next year and try again, or do I have to go back and get all of the badges again?
33. What are the requirements of being a Pok?mon League champion? Is it a position or an accolade? If it's a position, how long can I hold that position? If it's an accolade, can I come back and win again?
34. Can I get a sponsorship to go to other regions? Who out there is willing to sponsor trainers?
35. How many retries am I allowed in any given region? Do I have to start paying after a while?
36. Let's say I'm a father or mother. Can my family get reimbursed by the Pok?mon League if I die due to causes from training or from a match at a league tournament?
37. Where can I buy Pok?mon training insurance?
38. How does the Pok?mon League make money?
39. What exactly is Team Rocket's plan (not exclusive to Jessie & James)?
40. How did the Team Rocket family get started?
41. Are groups like Team Rocket the only ones who cause trouble? Is everyone else in the Pok?mon universe just a saint? There's never been like a trainer who got angry one day and realized they were wielding an army around their waist?
42. How do you join a Pok?mon crime family?
43. Have there ever been cases of psychopathic or sociopathic trainers?
44. From what I've seen, selling Pok?mon is frowned upon. Why? Wouldn't that demonize pet shops too?
45. Wouldn't Pok?mon pet shops make more sense than trading Pok?mon?
46. Wouldn't Pok?mon pet shops make more sense than throwing caution to the wind and going into the woods to catch a wild animal?
47. What does the Pok?mon food chain look like? Has it even been figured out yet?
48. Why do Pok?mon blindly trust and obey trainers?
49. Go set an animal trap outside your house. Come back when you have caught something in it. Do you really expect this animal to trust you or even care about you?
50. Why do Pok?mon act like convenient plot devices instead of like actual animals?
51. How do Pok?centers work?
52. How much is Pok?mon Healthcare. I know you don't pay each time you go to a Pok?center, but how much do you pay each month?
53. Why is virtually every injury curable in seconds?
54. What about broken bones?
55. What about internal bleeding?
56. What about missing limbs? What about missing limbs from birth?
57. Can Pok?centers cure Pok?mon depression?
58. What did earlier Pok?balls look like?
59. Who invited the Pok?ball?
60. Can humans be caught in a Pok?ball? If yes, can a human be healed at a Pok?center?
61. How does a Pok?ball know what to catch and what not to catch?
62. What if another Pok?mon got in the way of your Pok?ball cast?
63. What if you're not able to use your arms?
64. How much does it cost to use Bill's computer service?
65. If it doesn't, then why not? It's just like any storage unit.
66. Does every Pok?mon that we'll ever see in future generations exist right now, or do new ones come around over the years?
67. Can present day Pok?mon go extinct?
68. Is there a Pok?mon Wildlife preservation? If yes, what are they doing to ensure that Pok?mon won't go extinct?
69. What Pok?mon are endangered right now?
70. What do cities do about strays?
71. Does the Pok?mon Universe have a Sarah McLachlan?
72. Are there people who hunt Pok?mon?
73. If yes, when is Pok?mon hunting season? Does it coincide with training season? If yes, why?
74. What do commercial Pok?mon fishermen catch water Pok?mon for?
75. What Pok?mon are safe to eat?
76. If there are any, which are considered rare delicacies and which are not?
77. Is rare candy safe for human consumption? Can you smoke it or sniff it?
78. What is rare candy made out of?
79. Nintendo exists in the Pok?mon Universe. Do Yu-Gi-Oh and Digimon exist as well?
80. Will I go to Pok?mon Hell for asking these questions?