9 More Months of New Leaf! Looking to Add Active Online Players!


The Phantom Prince
Nov 23, 2013
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The extra wait for New Horizons is going to be a painful one, so it looks like I'll have to try and ease the pain with more New Leaf!

I'd like to fill my roster with more active players, as it's a bit dead atm. I'm assuming since it's Summer now, more people will have time to play so I'd definitely like to take advantage of that!

My town is open pretty often, but I'd also love to add people who open their town frequently as well. Basically I need a new AC hangout group haha.

If you'd like to add, feel free to register my FC and then post yours below and I'll add you in return ^^
Heya, we already have each other added! Just wondering why your mayor is always asleep lol
Definitely add me! I’m normally on from 6:00-9:00pm Pacific Time.
Added! FC is in sidebar. I'm fairly active and just started a new town, so I'll be playing that one pretty heavy for the time being.
Oh hey! I didn't realize you were on tbt, I'm Jerico on the FC list, idk if you have my other FC, KiTT.
Hi, I,ve just started a new town. Would be glad if you add me. FC: 2681-5334-2024.
I've already added all members in this thread.
I've added all of you! If you haven't registered back, please be sure to do so when you can so I can preserve roster space!

Heya, we already have each other added! Just wondering why your mayor is always asleep lol

He's nocturnal. Nah, but I often leave my town open even when I'm afk, so there's a good chance you'll miss me depending on when you drop by. I'm usually on and playing during late nights and early AM.
Yess, my cousin's stopped playing and I need some people to hang out with lmao. My FC is to the left, added yours.
Yes I'd love more online buddies! I'm online pretty often, feel free to add me :)
Hi! I just redid my town, and its a college campus themed town so its a bit of work. My FC is in my sidebar, im usually on all the time, in the mornings and afternoons.
This is the very reason I joined this site. I am adding you now, please feel free to add me when you get time. I am typically on in the evenings after 5pm central time until about midnight. Weekends I'm more likely to be more throughout the entire day.
I'm still pretty active online and I can always use some new friends. I've added you!
I hope I'll run into you, though, since I'll probably mostly be sleeping when you're online xD
I?m very active. I?ll add everyone on this thread as soon as I can.
I'd love to also be added, I'm looking to getting back into the online scene before AC switch!
Yeehaw, I've added all of you xD

If you have yet to add me back, again please do so when you get the chance! ^^
I added you!

My down is a little underdeveloped cause I restarted, but I would like some friends all my old ones are from 3 years ago!
I would love to be friends and play acnl together! I've never had anyone visit any of my towns so I hope we can play together soon!
My down is a little underdeveloped cause I restarted, but I would like some friends all my old ones are from 3 years ago!

I would love to be friends and play acnl together! I've never had anyone visit any of my towns so I hope we can play together soon!

heya! I'd love to be friends! my FC is in my profile.

I've added all of you! Please be sure to add me back guys, lol.