9 More Months of New Leaf! Looking to Add Active Online Players!

I'd love to find people to play with in my town ,iam on most of the time ( BST /UK time )

my friend code is : 0147-4979-7656]]:D
Added! :blush: I play every day, anywhere from 12 PM EST to 9 PM EST.
Thanks guys! I've just added everyone! Will probably open in a few hrs.

Still have some space left for more active players ~
I noticed you added me but I think my FC was wrong! The correct One is 5258-2616-7717 Hopefully
you can see this and properly add me back!
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I just registered to this website and I'm online pretty often in ACNL, so add me and we can play together sometimes and exchange items and stuff, I'd love to ~ 🍀
I’m online everyday!!

Hi. I?m online pretty often as well since it?s the summer. It would be nice to have someone to interact with. Can you please add me back? I leave my gate open all the time , unfortunately my friends aren?t that active so the only way to meet up with them is to message them. It would be nice to pop up in a town and have people stop by mine
I just registered to this website and I'm online pretty often in ACNL, so add me and we can play together sometimes and exchange items and stuff, I'd love to ~ ��

Hi. I’m online pretty often as well since it’s the summer. It would be nice to have someone to interact with. Can you please add me back? I leave my gate open all the time , unfortunately my friends aren’t that active so the only way to meet up with them is to message them. It would be nice to pop up in a town and have people stop by mine

I'll need your FC's if you guys still want to add.

Added everyone else who recently posted!
glakeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is renee i love youuuu
last time i got on you weren't on and everyone else on my friends list is inactive.
I noticed you added me but I think my FC was wrong! The correct One is 5258-2616-7717 Hopefully
you can see this and properly add me back!

Nope! Somehow I had your FC right, lmao. You're actually registered already. I think we may have added each other on ACC, actually.

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glakeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is renee i love youuuu
last time i got on you weren't on and everyone else on my friends list is inactive.

Hey Renee, lol. I still have you added. Get on late at night sometime, ha