So much I could talk about the 90's, I don't even know where to begin, lol. I've been loving reading this thread
there's so many commercials that will forever be embedded in my brain, lmao. hooked on phonics being one of them.
I had a Furby, too! My best friend gave me one for my birthday. I also remember helping my brother do chores around the house so he could get his own, and ours could be friends. IIRC mine's name was Me-La (May-la? Hard to remember). Although I found it endearing for the longest time, eventually I got a bit creeped out by it randomly talking and stuffed it in a closet.
I remember having it when I moved, but I assume I must have given it away eventually. Feel kinda bad about it!
does anyone remember Stick Stickly from Nickelodeon?
I was obsessed with him as a child. No clue why. But I recreated his glory (or attempted to) onto a popsicle stick, and hosted many talk shows. Good times.
I had a Furby, too! My best friend gave me one for my birthday. I also remember helping my brother do chores around the house so he could get his own, and ours could be friends. IIRC mine's name was Me-La (May-la? Hard to remember). Although I found it endearing for the longest time, eventually I got a bit creeped out by it randomly talking and stuffed it in a closet.

does anyone remember Stick Stickly from Nickelodeon?
I was obsessed with him as a child. No clue why. But I recreated his glory (or attempted to) onto a popsicle stick, and hosted many talk shows. Good times.
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