If you're still doing it I'd like the blue pumps, sneakers and fedora. I have no idea what they look like... but they're blue! :B
But ALSO I definitely want pipe, bill blaster, Triple Red Shell, 1-Up Mushroom, Super Mushroom, ? Block,Wii Balance Board, and bad bro's stache
I would also like all of the baloon series you have, and the armor shoes
This is a lot of items so I'm willing to pay plenty! xD
I understand some of these may not be available now, which is also fine. '_>; Just let me know what's not available.
How about 200k
I will have to order the Fedora.
Oh Then I'd like the Jester's mask and the Pirate's hat
I'll give 5k
Pirate's hat is sold, and i will have to order the Jester's mask
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