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A Closer Look at the Shops...

Mr. Andronicus

Junior Member
Sep 19, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Just a list I compiled of the shops and buildings we currently know of. For a nicer version with a lot of pictures and links you can go check out the original post at my blog:

Buildings Confirmed for the Shopping Mall:

Nook Housing

Here we have Tom Nook's new shop, Nook Housing. Shown in the recent scan find below, the shop will indeed be found in the mall, right next to the Post Office(see next building). Here we will be able to buy different themes for the outside of our house, a feature new to AC3DS. It also appears that Lyle will be taking up residence in the shop, and is rumored to be working for the Happy Room Academy.

Post Office

Also visible in the above scan is what appears to be the town post office. We have yet to see the inside of the post office, nor do we know of any new features that it may offer. I find the post office's inclusion here odd, especially since it seems like a building that, like the town hall, we'd expect to see in-village, as opposed to the new shopping center.

Speck Shop

Nook's handed over the keys to the Cranny to Tommy and Timmy in AC3DS, and now it's called the Speck Shop(thanks to Unique for trans.!) And from what we've seen, its first incarnation will be nearly identical on the inside to what we've seen in previous entries.

Where things start to look a little different is after the shop has been upgraded. As seen in the screenshot below, a larger shop appears to sit just to the right of the path to the HRA Model Homes. We have yet to properly see the inside of this shop in any screens, although some tables with wallpaper can be noticed as the door opens in the August trailer. Another noticeable addition is a new shop built onto the side of the store...

Garden Shop

Now here's what i'm talking about! A brand new store! Appears that the Nook family has given over the floral side of the business to a new character called Lazy the Sloth! We can see seeds and trees on sale, as well as a watering can to the right. Whether Lazy's shop will upsize with the Nook Brothers' is not yet known.

Unconfirmed, But Likely Buildings for the Shopping Mall:

Able Sisters Shop

Another series long staple making the big move across the tracks are the Able Sisters and their clothing store. The inside appears largely similar to previous versions of the store, and although we've yet to see it, there will apparently be an accessory corner in the store. While some may argue that it just seems wrong for this shop to be a part of the mall and not close to home, with the Speck Shop and Post Office now taking up residence in the shopping center, it's a safe bet this one will follow suit.

Police Station

We've known ever since Nintendo Direct August that Copper and Booker would be hanging up their gatekeeper hats and go back to their first love of upholding the law. But now, thanks to recently translated information, we know that we will have two options of Police Station to build, and that your choice dictates which officer is present. At the time of post, all we've seen is Booker's classic "lost and found" layout.

Reset Management Center

Everybody's favorite(?) mole Mr. Resetti is back on the scene doing what he does best, only this time he's bringing the command center home from the big city. The only details we know about the Center is that you can have it built, Resetti and his brother Don will be there, and that Mr. Resetti will actually THANK you after it's built. Wow, finally some respect!

Kicks' Shoe Store

A new store for all your shoe and sock related needs(new needs, since this is their first inclusion in the series!) Kicks and his store seem to fit an oddly specific need, which makes me wonder if this will be one of those "build if you so wish" stores. Maybe the Able Sisters will sell shoes and socks sparingly in their accessory corner, while Kicks has a new selection every day with a lot wider variety. Food for thought, eh?

Confirmed In-Village Buildings

Thrift Store

The new Thrift Store, run by Lisa the Pink Alpaca and an unnamed blue llama, will sell items of furniture for your house, and even change the color and design of it for you! This building is actually one of the only confirmed in-village shops, from a June trailer. Compare the picture from the trailer below with the boxart. The heart door and sign are clearly seen.

Brewster's Coffee Shop

The only other truly confirmed in-village shop is none other than the coffee shop, owned by Brewster. The interesting thing about this shop is given translations, this will be an optional building you can choose to have, but it is built in town. Perhaps we have even more power as mayor than previously thought! We only recently got a picture of the outside of the shop, and we can actually confirm that it is behind the thrift store in that previous trailer snippet. Compare the screen grab with the shop in the top left corner of the scan below, then watch 1:40-1:42 of the trailer.

Unconfirmed, Likely In-Village Buildings

Town Hall

I'm thinking this one's a shoe-in. The base of operations for all your new mayoral duties in the new game! With your new assistant, choose your towns landmarks and hours of operation!

The only solid clue to this one's placement besides a little bit of common sense, is the rather large building seen to the right of the station in front of the train tracks. Of course, this is only developmental art for the game, but it seems to be pretty accurate to what we've seen so far, and the building matches the bill for what i'd expect the town hall to look like.


Another series staple, the museum will still function as a place to show off your greatest catches and finest finds in the realm of art and archeology. However, there will now be planned exhibitions in addition to your own donations, and a gift shop run by Blather's sister Celeste. No real evidence for village or mall on this one, so I just stuck it here. We'll see I guess.....*cue mysterious music*

Hope someone found this interesting! :)
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yo yo thanks for this adding it to the AC3DS thread :)
Did you like just copy this from a different site or something? Because I noticed in many cases it says "see picture below" and you didn't include a picture, so it seems you just copied and pasted from so where.
Did you like just copy this from a different site or something? Because I noticed in many cases it says "see picture below" and you didn't include a picture, so it seems you just copied and pasted from so where.

he copied and pasted from his blog so he probably ceebs uploading the pictures. Go to his blog to see the pictures.

Btw @ Mr. Andronicus, apparently the general store is called the Speck Shop. Don't know whether the translation from my source is reliable though.
he copied and pasted from his blog so he probably ceebs uploading the pictures. Go to his blog to see the pictures.

Btw @ Mr. Andronicus, apparently the general store is called the Speck Shop. Don't know whether the translation from my source is reliable though.

Thanks! I somehow missed that in the middle of that wall of text we got recently. Even if that's just a direct translation, it's the best we've got right now. I'll edit the post accordingly. :)

Also sorry for any copy/paste confusion. I meant for it to originally be a blog post only, but after getting it done, I figured it'd be beneficial to have here as well, but with all the pictures included in the original, I had no time to add them in last night.
You should add the pictures to the first post it'll make it looks better and nicer :)
I really hope that the Reset Management Center has some sort of use. Something more than just getting an item.
Yeah, I hope so too... Maybe it's there to have 'talks' with Resetti about enjoying life and when life gets tough, don't flick the power button. Now, who wouldn't want that!? So... um... You go have that 'talk' and I'll get some coffee at Brewsters.
Yeah, I hope so too... Maybe it's there to have 'talks' with Resetti about enjoying life and when life gets tough, don't flick the power button. Now, who wouldn't want that!? So... um... You go have that 'talk' and I'll get some coffee at Brewsters.

Could be. I just hope there's some amount of functionality to it, so that there's a need to visit regularly.
I also took a closer look at some of the shops:


Looks like Shampoodle will be next to the Garden Shop.

And about the Thrift Store:
Maybe it's just their logo, but it looks like the store will be called "RPARKERS"?

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I really hope that the garden shop is expandable.

I doubt it wont be.
I mean, what, it sells only 2 flower seeds daily.. In previous games, we have been able to get like 8 bags of flowers daily (I think it's 8 wait it might be 6 i dont know!!) - it seems illogical and I doubt it.
If it's not expandable then it's gonna suck, but i dont see why it wont be
I also took a closer look at some of the shops:


Looks like Shampoodle will be next to the Garden Shop.

And about the Thrift Store:
Maybe it's just their logo, but it looks like the store will be called "RPARKERS"?

Great eye on Shampoodle! I would've never found it! I'll add something about that into the thread a little later, as well as some of the pictures from my original blog post.

As for the thrift store, i'm willing to bet that since llamas are the one's running it, that the "R" in the Japanese version will be translated into an "L", as you often see with English L words in Japanese. (Lucario from the Japanese Rucario) Which would be..."Lparkers"? Still doesn't make alot of sense, but perhaps the translation will make it slightly more pronounceable haha.

@Garrett: Exactly.
Great eye on Shampoodle! I would've never found it! I'll add something about that into the thread a little later, as well as some of the pictures from my original blog post.

As for the thrift store, i'm willing to bet that since llamas are the one's running it, that the "R" in the Japanese version will be translated into an "L", as you often see with English L words in Japanese. (Lucario from the Japanese Rucario) Which would be..."Lparkers"? Still doesn't make alot of sense, but perhaps the translation will make it slightly more pronounceable haha.

@Garrett: Exactly.
Yeah, like most Japanese have a bit of an accent with L, so they make it R to be more "natural" lol

Theres a picture with all of them, and you can clearly see the shops.

Lets hope this game doesnt get boring after we did "everything," but I highly doubt that will happen because of the amount of content put in :D
I just don't see shampoodle running that area, it just doesn't look like a hair salon building, I know it's been mentioned before, but it just looks so weird.
and for the "RParkers" if you keep saying it, it ends up sounding like "Alpacas". I bet that's what they were going for with the name.
Actually there's no difference between L and R in Japanese. And since the screenshots are logically from the japanese Version, I don't see why they should "change" it for the Japanese version.

I just don't see shampoodle running that area, it just doesn't look like a hair salon building, I know it's been mentioned before, but it just looks so weird.

Well there are scissors at the door...
I just don't see shampoodle running that area, it just doesn't look like a hair salon building, I know it's been mentioned before, but it just looks so weird.
and for the "RParkers" if you keep saying it, it ends up sounding like "Alpacas". I bet that's what they were going for with the name.
LOL you got a point there. There is a clearer picture that looks like a salon, its on a video on utube.

Actually there's no difference between L and R in Japanese. And since the screenshots are logically from the japanese Version, I don't see why they should "change" it for the Japanese version.

Well there are scissors at the door...

I wasn't saying they'd change it to L for the Japanese version, I was thinking they might change it to L for the ENGLISH version. Sorry for the confusion. :)
Well there are scissors at the door...

It's what looks to be scissors, there is a leaf on the door of Nooks but they don't only sell nature related stuff.
You can't just assume a shop is a shop because of what is on the door. Shampoodle's already had her shop in the City, I don't see why they wouldn't have the same outdoor layout for it just changed it a bit, not drastically with gray colored bricks and wooden stairs.