Role PMs can take a bit to send out because the host sometimes has to do other stuff other than sending the PM to get the game ready. Also, Ness is slow.
Ness if you need me for replacements, have someone get in touch with me on Discord if they can, I only check TBT regularly maybe once a day if that when a mafia game isn't going on.
Role PMs can take a bit to send out because the host sometimes has to do other stuff other than sending the PM to get the game ready. Also, Ness is slow.
Most PMs have been sent out, though one hasn't because one person doesn't have a clear inbox. The game is scheduled to start at 9 pm EDT. Please send in confirmation PMs if you haven't
In the booming town known as BellTree, a murder is found in the middle of town. The culprits left a note, along with the fresh corpse of Tom, one of the town's council members. The note read as follows:
"Let this death be a warning to you, towns members. Our motives as The Mafia is to take over this blasted town, and bring it to a new glory! Trust no one, as 1 of us could be standing right next to you!"
The towns people stand there, horrified at the sight. A brave 9 have began to dedicate themselves to finding the culprits, but beware! 2 of the brave 9 have been suspected of being Mafians!
The game has now started. You have approximately 48 hours to decide on who to vote to the noose (aka lynching, killing a player whose suspicious). Some reminders:
-I will be out of town for the next 3 days, so if you have any concerns take it to the cohost Dolby.
-Mafia isn't a roleplay, it is a game.
-Try to help your team win while you are alive.
-Have fun, and be civil to the other players whilst also having your own opinions on the game.
How's it going guys? Dolby's here so let's make mafia grate again...again. Let's just start with basic stuff:
Have you played mafia before? If yes, do you prefer town or mafia?
How would you say you act under pressure?
How much Pokemon GO have you played? (hype...idfk)
-Yeah, strong town preference.
-Pretty well I'd say but I can lose it.
-Too much
I couldn't think of anything else without going back and copying the same rqs yada yada. Let's make it fun fam.
Have you played mafia before? If yes, do you prefer town or mafia?: Only played one game and I haven't been mafia yet.
How would you say you act under pressure? I say I act normal, I stay calm but still answering any questions.
How much Pokemon GO have you played? Level 6, not too much but I played it.