Bread Kennedys
Well, I wanted to bring this up here, but I couldn't think of a better place than the blog feature here to do so, so here goes. I also haven't done one of these in a really long time, it's been a few years. Anyway, I've been suffering with bad anxiety for a long time, and over the summer I learned I've been suffering with depression too. This has been a rough summer for me, most summers suck, but this is probably only the second worst summer of my life so far. The absolute worst being the summer of 2015 where I lost my grandfather to cancer and I also lost a long-time friend, but yeah. Anyway, yeah, I went through a pretty rough time this summer and I'm still kinda feeling the after-affects of it but for the most part, I'm doing much better mentally than I was a month or two ago, I feel somewhat happy again, and that's great. Now, about some things going forward. I've recently decided I'm gonna try to move out of state next spring. I moved back to Florida in spring 2016, but next year I'm likely going to be moving up to Idaho. My family has friends from up there, and I've realized I need a change of scenery and I'd prefer to live somewhere less populated but also somewhere not too far from states where there's a lot to do if that makes sense. I'd be somewhere that's either within road trip distance or really short flight distance of a lot of major US cities (Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Denver, etc.) so I'd have a lot of options for easy vacations I wouldn't have had before, and I've heard it'd be a lot easier to find work there, so ultimately I think it'd probably be for the best. But yeah, that's the future plan for right now, I hope it works out, and I'm optimistic that it will. I already have plans to start selling a lot of my stuff I don't really need anymore to pay for the trip plus getting a house/apartment there. I'll still keep anything I need of course and there's just some things I'm unwilling to get rid of, like my Switch for example, I'm absolutely keeping that. However, I may go back and sell a few older video game-related things I don't really need or have any use for anymore. I don't think I have anything else I need to say now, so I'll end this blog entry here. To all those reading, I hope you have a fantastic remainder of your day/night, wherever you are.