Kapp’n Island Seasons


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2018
Does anyone know of a guide that states the season of some of the rarer kapp’n islands?

Today I got the shooting star island, which seemed to be midnight in July because the hydrangea bushes were in bloom. I have a few summer bugs/fish to catch to finish my museum, so I was quite excited. However it still seemed to be spawning October bugs/fish, including daytime butterflies despite it clearly being midnight?

Is the shooting star island just spawning the same bugs/fish as my island despite the appearance of summer?

Note: I don’t time travel, that’s why I was excited to catch some of the summer bugs I’d missed.
Hey there. I noticed that this thread didn’t have any replies so I wanted to help out even though this thread was posted over a month ago.

With Kapp’n boat tour islands that look like summer (vines/glowing moss and star fragment islands) the reality is that these islands will spawn creatures that match the current time and season on your home island. For example, let’s say you visited the star fragment island in December. The island will only spawn creatures that are available during that month, despite the island looking like it’s summer. Even though it’s night on star fragment island, it, along with the other islands, will match the time that you left for the boat tour. So if you left during the day, star fragment island will spawn creatures that appear during that time, despite it looking like nighttime. Also, THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT: The islands are time locked. This means that the time you arrived at the island will stay the same as long as you’re on the island. Even though it looks like time is passing when the sun moves or the moon comes out, it’s stuck at the time when you arrived. I learned this the hard way back in March when I landed on the young spring bamboo island. I waited until 7 PM so I could look for a scorpion. What I didn’t know was that the island was time locked, so I didn’t find one. This also explains why I was still seeing butterflies.

For the seasonal islands, they’re time locked but not date locked. Their dates are set to the last day the materials are available. For example, the date on the summer shell island is August 31. When you visit these islands, you can get the creatures that are available during that time. Just make sure you’re going at the right time if you’re looking for certain creatures. For example, if you want to get the rare summer beetles from the summer shell island. WAIT TO GO UNTIL NIGHTTIME. If you go during the day, they won’t spawn at night because of the time lock thing. On a DAL tour, I managed to get Jeremy the Goliath Beetle this way back in June. (Jeremy is the first name that popped into my head. Don’t judge me, ok?)

There’s also an unlock requirement for the rare islands. You have to wait for the actual date on those islands too pass after you created your character in order to unlock them. Otherwise, they won’t show up. Getting a good luck with belongings fortune from Katrina will also guarantee you get these rare islands. A more detailed explanation is here:https://www.belltreeforums.com/thre...nds-you-want-katrina-fortune-benefits.608411/

Here are some guides I found online. I hope you find these helpful!


Sorry that this is so long. But I hope this is helpful. You’re welcome.
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