a list of things i hate with a passion.


Retired Staff
Feb 6, 2005
well, im bored, so i think i'll make a list of things i hate, then edit it whenever im bored


most of these are random, and i may or may not hate, so yeah, g'head and laugh if you want, or dont, its your choice... i dont really own peoples minds... yet...

anyway, im rambling, that goes as number one, here we are:

old people
old people that finish eachothers sentances
that weird smell fish have
icecream that looks like a good flavor, like, vanilla... then tastes like a weird favor, like, marshmallow cream cocanut... and seem to be made of more ice than cream
those annoying bands that are cool for like, 8 minutes...
little brothers that think they're cool
little brothers
those weird spiders that eat eachother...
your mother
fake poptarts
weird bugs that look like normal bugs, but arent
finding something crawling up your leg
canker swores
people saying fur is murder, then pulling out their lucky rabbit's foot

*will add too*



you hate a lot of things.

And yeah, I agree with the ice cream flavor. Something that looks good,
sometimes taste bad.
Yeah I agree with many of those things, and fish you said it not me but you could use a shower if you smell weird like you say you do.
you should this

u hate when u goto a friends house and it smeels like dirt or a food that smells wierd
SPORGE27 said:
Yeah I agree with many of those things, and fish you said it not me but you could use a shower if you smell weird like you say you do.
yeah, fish do smell weird...

wait, that was directed at me >_<

well, i'll just say, i shower, and wear pretty smelling cologne, so yeah, thats all i need right...

Well if you are a fish as you say you are... I don't know that showering and cologne help under water >_<

but I don't know, I never knew a fish to wear cologne.....or may be i did and couldn't tell the difference...