How much for the Modern Wood Chest and Modern Wood Shelf?
I would like all of your pink flowers aha I know it sounds crazy but how much would you like for them? I'm bad at offering prices so please tell me what you're thinking
How much would you pay for the full Rococo set?
Ordered the Rococo set. (Or 10 items of it :3)
How much for your toy hammer & tweeter?
i have lovely phone and probably about 20 silver axes
how many hybrids can you offer?
How much for your Ebony Piano and Papa Panda? :3
The wall and carpet should of arrived. I'll check now ^^
How much is your Blue Cabinet?
3 gold ores for a tweeter?
Will you trade a Minimalist Table, Sleek Table and Sleek Lamp for a Lovely Armoire, Lovely Bed and Lovely Kitchen?
20k for Wide-Screen TV?
Quite a lot but I'm only 3 items off so sure
My friend code is 5327-1383-9639 ^^
Na 10k is fine lol also I get to visit another town that's always cool ^^