Shop A little bit of everything

How much for the Modern Wood Chest and Modern Wood Shelf? :)

Hmm, 10k for each of them/

I would like all of your pink flowers :) aha I know it sounds crazy :p but how much would you like for them? I'm bad at offering prices so please tell me what you're thinking :)

It's not crazy-pink is a great colour! About 20k each for them n_n

How much would you pay for the full Rococo set?

I already have someone else offering the Rococo set atm, so I'm not interssted in getting another xD But thanks for posting ^^

Ordered the Rococo set. (Or 10 items of it :3)

Yay n_n-thank you :D
i have lovely phone and probably about 20 silver axes

how many hybrids can you offer?
Will you trade a Minimalist Table, Sleek Table and Sleek Lamp for a Lovely Armoire, Lovely Bed and Lovely Kitchen?
20k for Wide-Screen TV?

Sure-deal-I've ordered the item for you n_n

Quite a lot but I'm only 3 items off so sure
My friend code is 5327-1383-9639 ^^

I can lower it to 7-8k if you'd like (I just randomly pulled a figure that sounded nice)

@ Heazziecakes-I've ordered the piano and panda for you, should arrive tomorrow n_n
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