Auction A n k h a is moving!

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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2013
July Birthstone (Ruby)
White Pansy
Easter Egg
Easter Egg
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Tasty Cake
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
100% (181) +

Ankha the snooty cat is leaving Dyrwind on December 20th!

-She MAY have put one of her pyramids in Re-Tail but as far as I know her house is untouched. Her shirt and catchphrase are both original.

Starting Bid : 50,000 Bells
Minimum Bid Increase 25,000 Bells
Current Bid: 17 million bells + gorgeous set + princess set + afternoon tea set @Joelantony142 on GameFAQs
Auction ends at 11 pm Central Standard Time!
Good luck!!!

I also have this auction up at Reddit's Adoptmyvillager subreddit!
+ GameFAQs
+ ACBay
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is there a buy out price?

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and could I enter for my bff D:
Ditto, otherwise I would have totally bought her out right away.
is there a buy out price?

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and could I enter for my bff D:
I'm not sure how much she goes for and what's the line between fair and way overpriced. :S so I'm a little hesitant to put a buyout price on her, but I've seen her go for quite a bit.
+ As long as you're paying, that's fine with me.

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Ditto, otherwise I would have totally bought her out right away.

You've been outbid, the current highest bid is 2 million on GameFAQs.
Oh I see a bid of 2 million already.Ok I'm out. I only have 6 million and that's not going to be anough as always. :-(
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I'm not sure how much she goes for and what's the line between fair and way overpriced. :S so I'm a little hesitant to put a buyout price on her, but I've seen her go for quite a bit.
+ As long as you're paying, that's fine with me.

I have seen her price fluctuate since June. Meh... kind of hard to tell since most people that wanted her already got her. Still in the high double digit million area.
Oh I see a bid of 2 million already.Ok I'm out. I only have 6 million and that's not going to be anough as always. :-(
Yeah... some dude on GF is just over jumping the bid. He could have kept it in the low thousands, but jumped to 2 mill right away... now to 4 million.
As long as it takes. I'll out bid this dude despite his irregular bidding.
I'm at 4.5 until I decide to call it quits.

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6.5 million
lol i saw her go for 60M more than a few times thats why my bff still doesnt have her D:
As long as it takes. I'll out bid this dude despite his irregular bidding.
I'm at 4.5 until I decide to call it quits.

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6.5 million
Alright, updating the bid. It's so hard to keep up at this pace! @U@;
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