I so hope you get her now. I was dissapointed that I had to back out again but now I'm hoping that you beat this guy!!!
Wait... so the dude bids a lot and raises the bid to a high price and drops out because he has to leave?
I know, right? Kinda miffed, to be honest...what's the point of bidding high if you're just gonna leave? :/
Which is why I'm going to pull out of this bid. Best of luck to any future bidders.
Well...the guy who said he was pulling out first apparently doesn't have to go anymore (???), so I'm waiting on a response from him.So I could have been excited and nervous a little bit longer up to 6 million if this guy didn't ruin everything.....;-)
so what's the status now?
Maybe that was some kind of trick of him. Now suddenly he can stay again and pick up Ankha.