I'm sitting here scanning qr codes for new clothes and paths. And one thing that really makes me angry is the rounding of everything in a design. For example, I downloaded a dress that is plaid, squares right? But it show up like rounded squares\almost circles when you display it\wear it and its so ugly ;_;
Makes me so mad, most of the qr's i've tried look awful because of the rounded edges. I get that they want no pixels so it looks new and stuff, but ugh I wish you had the option to pick a "pixel look" when displaying designs
I know its a random ting to rant about lol, but wondering if anyone else has gotten to this part and is annoyed at it
I just want a pink gingham plaid dress ;_;
Makes me so mad, most of the qr's i've tried look awful because of the rounded edges. I get that they want no pixels so it looks new and stuff, but ugh I wish you had the option to pick a "pixel look" when displaying designs
I know its a random ting to rant about lol, but wondering if anyone else has gotten to this part and is annoyed at it
I just want a pink gingham plaid dress ;_;