A random thing that makes me angry


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2015
I'm sitting here scanning qr codes for new clothes and paths. And one thing that really makes me angry is the rounding of everything in a design. For example, I downloaded a dress that is plaid, squares right? But it show up like rounded squares\almost circles when you display it\wear it and its so ugly ;_;

Makes me so mad, most of the qr's i've tried look awful because of the rounded edges. I get that they want no pixels so it looks new and stuff, but ugh I wish you had the option to pick a "pixel look" when displaying designs

I know its a random ting to rant about lol, but wondering if anyone else has gotten to this part and is annoyed at it
I just want a pink gingham plaid dress ;_;
The patterns in New Leaf were all pixelated, which has pros and cons. One of the pros being somethings would blend easier. Since the patterns in this game are in full resolution, they are more smooth.

I don't think that should be counted as a problem. We just need to wait for the pro pattern makers to make patterns made for this game.
Yeah, found this out when trying to make a pixel image - ended up using 2x2 squares so it would at least look a little better
I don't really design much but I think they should have had a pixel or smoothed option of designs. All the people who want to create pixel art in the game won't be able to. Does it not stay pixelated if you import it from NL? It seemed like that from the Direct and I suppose that's the only fix available.
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