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A Sadness Thread


Senior Member
Jan 16, 2010
Sautéed Mushrooms
Pink Balloon
Pink Balloon
Purple Balloon
Purple Balloon
Toy Hammer
Dreamy Party Popper
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Tulip
We all need to let it out every once and awhile, so just let it all out here for now, everyone.

Dryer broke a few days ago, oven's element broke just a few minutes ago.
My $800 bass broke (sent back to company for fixing)
I hate History class
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Great idea!

-My grandma died in August last year.
-I got hit by a truck in November.
-I failed my driver's license exam twice.
-I broke my glasses and had to pay $200 to replace them.
Its soon "that time of the month"
I have a sore throat
I had to wait 2 hours for a "pet friendly" cab today
AC is still not out
I have to go through over 1000 files at work
I have to take public transit home
- I miss my ex boyfriend
- I have no job
- My car is broke and I have no money to fix it
- I have a speech class this semester
- I'm sucking at my ******** people math class right now
- My acne is coming back. I think it's stress related.
- I didn't know if I was going to graduate high school until the 2nd to last day.
- My favorite art teacher from high school has cancer.
- One of my first friends I made in high school passed away from cancer.

Edit: And a bird just pooped on my arm as I finished this post.
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Mother of grapefruit, thats insane.

mine don't compare.
-I've been feeling Ill for the past 4 months (makes me sad n depressed sometimes)
-I feel like I'm not a good enough human being/Don't do enough. (don't feel worthy. Also makes me sad)
-Stuck with an 8 year old dell laptop ( TT^TT )
-My gaming consoles are breaking & i still don't have a 3DS.
-Someone i knew for years passed away recently (he was old & stressed)
Mother of grapefruit, thats insane.

mine don't compare.
-I've been feeling Ill for the past 4 months (makes me sad n depressed sometimes)
-I feel like I'm not a good enough human being/Don't do enough. (don't feel worthy. Also makes me sad)
-Stuck with an 8 year old dell laptop ( TT^TT )
-My gaming consoles are breaking & i still don't have a 3DS.
-Someone i knew for years passed away recently (he was old & stressed)

Man, never feel you're not a good enough human being. You've probably done more good than bad in this world, and even if you haven't, look at all the people who you've accomplished more than!
Ah yes, just the thread I needed.

Miss my bf and also kinda wondering where the relationship will go in the future...
Unsure about historic pres as major
Think I have a cyst or two hanging out on my ovaries which I'm really hoping won't burst. Keep getting random dull to not-so-dull pains in those areas and they aren't the usual time-of-the-month cramps, speaking of which...
it will soon be that time of the month.... unless it's late. again.
Too shy to make any new friends or to join a club where I dont know anyone for the sake of making new friends... so I've been feelin' rather lonely.
I'm done. I don't like to complain much but these are the things that are bothering me and I haven't really been able to vent them out to anyone. So ta daaaa
Edit: And a bird just pooped on my arm as I finished this post.

That made me laugh!! the other ones are sad though :(

Man, never feel you're not a good enough human being. You've probably done more good than bad in this world, and even if you haven't, look at all the people who you've accomplished more than!

Thank you for these word! i will do my best to do more and get over it!

I feel mean and bad about myself because this made me laugh.

Same here XD
I am fat
I am dumb
People don't take my inner diva seriously
I am going for my license on Tuesday and I can't drive
I'm becoming ugly
I am mean to this fat kid because I just hate him I can't help it he has bad genes it's just how the conception worked. Once we had cake in class and I like 'I hope u eat 100 pieces and die of an aneurysm, and because you are dumb and I don't expect you to know what that means It means a heart attack. Have a good life" then he didn't eat any cake. I am just a very mean person and it makes me sad I can't help it I hate everyone
The hot PE teacher has not yet noticed me :(((((

O and I hate my dad and want him dead
My dad has threatened to kick me out of the family home multiple times (I'm only 16, going on to 17) and is verbally abusive towards me and my mum.
I quit my chemistry A-level on Monday, but now one of my friends is calling me dumb and is part of the reason my dad threatened to kick me out recently. It also means I can't do any science degree at university, but I'd rather do an International business course anyway...
My dad has threatened to kick me out of the family home multiple times (I'm only 16, going on to 17) and is verbally abusive towards me and my mum.
I quit my chemistry A-level on Monday, but now one of my friends is calling me dumb and is part of the reason my dad threatened to kick me out recently. It also means I can't do any science degree at university, but I'd rather do an International business course anyway...

Dayum D: Thats sad!

~ I keep stubbing my toe into tables.
~ My vision is becoming blurry
- My school's seniors are supposed to party on the 14th because our school ends, but nobody gives a **** about the decorations and stuff... I'm doing everything alone ):
- My boyfriend is in military service now and he's always sick there so he can't come home. I miss him
- My back aches a lot and I don't know why
- I want to play but I'm too lazy to do so
- Every time I play something I just remember that New Leaf isn't out yet and get sad :(
The girl I love doesn't love me back and my aunt has cancer and she knows she's going to die.
My fiancee is in Afghan
AC isn't out
I'm cold
I want new clothes
My virgin media package doesn't have Disney Channel
I have to work
Craving Dr Pepper
Yeah I'm ugly too

got a c in math
can't find my glasses
people are discouraging me to write the novel I'm currently writing(on chapter 2 now)

I thought Jake was a boy
I want the library teacher fired. She's such a jerk

I'm becoming one of those people who tend to get in trouble alot
The boy I have a crush on dosn't notice me(and he sits right next to me in school!)

I have this verbal disorder thing that makes it harder for me to say certain words, thus having it harder for people to understand what I'm sain