a short little quiz

Native flower- Pansy
Nook store upgrade level- Nook's Cranny
Flowers in your store- Pansies, hyacinths, windflowers, and tulips
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- Pansies & hyacinths
Hemisphere- Northern
Native flower- Lilies
Nook store upgrade level- Nook’s Cranny
Flowers in your store- Windflowers, hyacinths, tulips, pansies
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- tulips, lilies, windflowers
Hemisphere- Northern

Thank you all so much!
Native flower- windflower
Nook store upgrade level- nook's cranny
Flowers in your store- windflowers, hyacinths, pansies, tulips
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- windflowers and pansies
Hemisphere- northern
Native flower: pansy
Nook store upgrade level: basic nook's cranny
Flowers in your store: pansies, hyacinths, windflowers, tulips
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands: pansies and hyacinths
Hemisphere: northern
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Native flower - roses
Nook store upgrade level - basic store still
Flowers in your store - Roses, windflowers, pansies
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands - roses and windflowers
Hemisphere - northern
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Native flower- windflower
Nook store upgrade level- first level
Flowers in your store- windflower, hyacinth, tulip
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- windflower and hyacinth
Hemisphere- Northern
Native flower- Windflower

Nook store upgrade level- First upgrade

Flowers in your store- Hyacinths, Tulips, Windflowers, Lilies, Pansies

Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- Hyacinths, Windflowers

Hemisphere- Northern
Native flower: Mums
Nook store upgrade level: Nook's Cranny
Flowers in your store: Mums, pansies, and tulips
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands: Mums and pansies
Hemisphere: Northern
Native flower: Roses
Nook store upgrade level: Nook's Cranny
Flowers in your store: Roses, tulips, pansies
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands: Roses, tulips
Hemisphere: North
Native flower- Hyacinth
Nook store upgrade level- Initial shop (guys it's still called Nook's Cranny once it's upgraded)
Flowers in your store- Hyacinths, tulips, windflowers, pansies
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- Tulips, hyacinths
Hemisphere- Northern
Native flower- roses
Nook store upgrade level- not upgraded
Flowers in your store- roses, hyacints, tulips
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- i think roses and hyacinths?
Hemisphere- northern
Native flower- Roses
Nook store upgrade level- Not Upgraded
Flowers in your store- Roses, Hyacinth, Windflowers, Tulips
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- Roses, Windflowers
Hemisphere- Northern
Native flower- Mums
Nook store upgrade level- Not Upgraded
Flowers in your store- Mums, Hyacinth, Tulip, Windflower
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- Mums, Hyacinth
Hemisphere- Northern
Native flower- Windflowers
Nook store upgrade level- Not upgraded yet
Flowers in your store- Hyacinths, Pansies, Windflowers
Flowers you have seen on your mystery islands- Pansies, Windflowers
Hemisphere- Northern