A Thread for the Older Players

My weekend is going well. I'm about to go to dinner, but I'll have wifi afterwards when I go to the library. If anyone wants to play with me please tell me!
Hello everyone, 20 years old here, I'm down to play with anyone just message me if you added me
Hi! I'm 22 years old and looking for active players. Feel free to add me. :)
Hi. i'm 25 ! im also looking for older people to play with. i started a new town because my old 3ds got corrupted ;-; so i had to get a new 3ds and start a new town. i'm sad but looking forward to the new journey. if anyone could spare some fruit i would appreciate it. i literally started my town today XD :cool:
Hi Rawritz and Liselot!

I'm fairly active... though I'm from Australia, so I might be a little out of sync with everyone else's timezones. But feel to add to me (though let me know, so I can add back)

And welcome Rachel. I can spare a few each of my fruits. That is I should still have fruits on my trees lol.
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Heyyy knight if possible could I come sell some things and grab fruit ? It's 3:30am here so my stores are closed. I need some tools, wanna gonna shop at your stores lol. I'm going to add you now. My FC:2380-7938-2245

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Was** ._. Typo lol
Heyyy knight if possible could I come sell some things and grab fruit ? It's 3:30am here so my stores are closed. I need some tools, wanna gonna shop at your stores lol. I'm going to add you now. My FC:2380-7938-2245

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Was** ._. Typo lol

I sent you a VM
Is anyone available to play? Thanks for the help knights I just subscribed to this thread haha :)
I just turned 19. Mind if we all add? FC to the sidebar
I haven't played ACNL in a few months and I am starting back playing. I was wanting to know if anyone wanted to swap friend codes as well. I'm 22 so I also don't really feel comfortable chatting with 12 year olds.
Woo I'm playing ATM :) I've timetravelled though so it's like 5am on my game...my gate is open

I don't see your town :/

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I haven't played ACNL in a few months and I am starting back playing. I was wanting to know if anyone wanted to swap friend codes as well. I'm 22 so I also don't really feel comfortable chatting with 12 year olds.

adding you :)
I haven't played ACNL in a few months and I am starting back playing. I was wanting to know if anyone wanted to swap friend codes as well. I'm 22 so I also don't really feel comfortable chatting with 12 year olds.

Just added you :)