able sister’s has maid dresses, jester masks


Cherry Tomato Boy
Apr 21, 2014
Carnival Pinwheel
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Rainbow Moon Jellyfish
Spirit Candy: Wix
Strange Doll
100% (156) +
what the title says! able’s is selling maid dresses jester masks, headbands + more, you’re welcome to go shopping. make sure you bring a vaulting pole to get to able’s, my island is underdeveloped to say the least lol.
my nook’s cranny is selling floral traditional tea sets today as well if you’re interested!

please do not take anything around the island (flowers, fruits, materials) without asking.

tips not necessary but appreciated! looking for NMT or items from my wishlist:

i’m leaving this open until i get bored.
drop a comment below if you’re interested and i will pm you a dodo code!
Hiyo, I’d like to drop by too!
I don’t have a spare diy unfortunately, but if you’d still like it I’ll craft a cutting board to bring to you. ^^
Hiyo, I’d like to drop by too!
I don’t have a spare diy unfortunately, but if you’d still like it I’ll craft a cutting board to bring to you. ^^
sure, that’s fine :^) !! will pm.
I'd like to visit your shops!
I think I have a few things from your wishlist in my storage that I can bring over.
Could I please come and see your ables sisters? I will be very quick and leave right after :D