Able Sisters Question


Senior Member
May 24, 2020
Kind of weird and random but I can't find the answer online.

Do all the clothing options eventually rotate through , or is it limited like Nooks?
The mannequin options stay all week, but everything else in the changing room swaps out each day. There are also winter and summer exclusive clothes.

Edit: if you're asking whether your island has certain sets locked in (like the colourways at Nook's), then I have to say that I don't know for sure. It does seem skewed, in my opinion. I waited all summer for the seashell dresses to show up and I never got them, and it's been the same for a certain winter coat that I only have one colourway from, from a balloon.
I have issues with some things not showing up as well (it took two weeks into winter for the boots to show up, for example), but the amount of diffetent items I have overall looks like you're not locked out of anything. They always have all colors of an item in stock.
It took me until yesterday for the dreamy sweater to show up in store, I only had the pink variant a villager gifted me way back when the game came out. I'm not sure if they're locked like the Nooks seasonal items, I think it's just random and down to luck. I found that tting back and forward helps sometimes, but only because I was rushing to move out villagers and make space. I wouldn't tt for clothing alone, if it's rare or you just don't seem to have luck with it, might be better to just ask around the forums. I catalogued a bunch of winter clothing early on during an event someone hosted and it helped a lot, some of those items only started showing up now.
I guess the reason I'm asked is it worth it to attempt to catalog clothing or things will eventually rotate through ables?
I guess the reason I'm asked is it worth it to attempt to catalog clothing or things will eventually rotate through ables?

Honestly if there are certain clothes you know you really want I’d say it’s worth it to catalog them. I don’t know what RNG system the Able Sisters store uses, but it’s rough imo. I’ve seen those cute sweetheart tops twice in my shop in the nearly year I’ve been playing. I didn’t start getting mage hats until after Halloween, I still haven’t seen the dreamy sweaters, dollhouse dresses, etc.

I get a lot of repeat clothes in my shop and it feels like I only get really cute items once every two weeks or so and even then the really cute items start repeating themselves.