Able Sisters YouTube series!!


Junior Member
Jun 16, 2014
Hi all, not sure if anyone has talked about this yet but there's a group of animation students who are making a YouTube series about the Able Sisters and their past. They've hired voice actors and are just now starting on the animation. You can see their video about their project here:

I wanted to share this with other Animal Crossing fans to help them get more support. I have always enjoyed the backstory about the Able Sisters from the AC games and I think this is a great idea. Anyways, I'm really interested in seeing this when it's complete. :lemon: I'm sure these people need all the support they can get.
Thank you so much for your support! :) It means so much!

For everybody viewing this, I'm Eric and I am the director, writer, and designer of the series. I can answer any questions about the show you may have.

I also started an art thread over in the gallery forum where I will be posting artwork for the show!