• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

About $125,000 a day...New leaf


Hello all :)
Jun 12, 2013
Throwback Tickets
so i'm debating how to make Bells in this game :mad: seashells, fishing, bugs.
I always rape the bell rock with my shovel but
I want more lol Im needy
so finally it all came down to 7:00 PM at Tortimer Island
A bunch of Goliath & Elephant beetles, sharks, and a few other beetles
my first profit was $125,000 all together with varying insects and fish in my inventory
sold at re-tail. I was so happy
my question for well readers are if there is a better way basically...
I make my money the same way, going to the island everyday around 7. Each trip gets me around 125k bells, like you said. If you want to make more, simply make more trips to the island than one. It takes a little effort to catch all those bugs and fish, but it's definitely worth it. If you want to make the most out of each trip, use this guide (hint: use CTRL+F to find the name of the fish) to look at the selling prices of your catches (fish only). That way, you can release all of the ones that are under 1,000 bells. I use this method and rake in the bells with each trip!
I find the island to be best. Last night I caught 2 whale sharks! Had to donate one but the other I told to re-tail for 13,000. I caught a few huge beetles for 8,000 bells too.
You should consider putting the Rich Town ordinance into effect. You'll be able to sell what you catch for 20% more. This is probably better if you have friends you can wifi with frequently, because it also raises the sale prices in your town, so you'll want to shop somewhere else.
now i can make the most of each trip :)
Thanks for the link to that guide :D really helpful because i suck at catching larger fish.
majority of them get away so i'm literally dancing when i catch a shark or something i don't press
a fast enough. if i go for a small fish i get the geodude of this game... the sea bass or a cute sea horse
(i have as a pet in my house)
I go to the island everyday around 7 like jesughs. I catch a lot of sharks and beetles and I can get 400k+ per trip
At the island after 7 beetles are the way to go! Every night I've been making over 300k just from various beetles.. just make sure to only catch the bigger ones on the palm trees. The ones on the normal trees don't sell as much
I like using the Flee Market to make money, If you have a full basket of foreign fruit or a fossil, usually the price can be doubled and sold around 9,999 bells.
I watched a video on youtube.Just run around the island for 30 minutes catching beetles and fill up that thing that you find on the harbor(the little container thing?) and when you're done go back and sell them all to re-tail.You should get like 400k.Up to you though if you don't mind running around for half an hour.Also try sell coral.I think coral is each 1k?And try to grow perfect fruit.
Catching beetles from the palm trees and any sharks you see is the most profitable way to use the island.
WOW! I looked it up and you guys are right, you can make WAY more profit off of bugs than fish! I'm going to try going for the beetles instead next time.
These tips are great to know. I went to the Island twice already (I just got it today), once in the early morning and once in the afternoon, I faired ok but I wish I would have made more. I can't wait until I get that type of money, I have a public works project to finish
If you want to make the most out of each trip, use this guide (hint: use CTRL+F to find the name of the fish) to look at the selling prices of your catches (fish only). That way, you can release all of the ones that are under 1,000 bells. I use this method and rake in the bells with each trip!
You are a life saver! (or at least a time-saver)

This is such a great thread.