About cn games

Also, I'd like to ask a question to these people trying to sell their platinum reward for any amount over 10k TBT? Would YOU buy it for that price if you wanted it ? I'm pretty sure and I could even bet that you'd ***** about how high the price is

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Thanks for making this post. I feel like this all needed to be said. I personally worked very hard to get my Platinum status through the games I bought and the time I put in selling ACNL items to buy a few codes here. If the games were actually "free" then everybody would have them, so I don't agree with that argument, but whether you feel they are free or not no one is forcing anybody to pay the price the sellers are asking. If Gamestop puts a price on an item you don't like then you don't buy it, you don't yell at the person working there. I feel like it's the same case here. If you would like the game but can't afford it you can always try offering what you can afford, but attacking the person selling it does nothing but hurt the community. We're all friends here.

Well said!
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