About reactions

Oct 27, 2020
Tasty Cake
Tricolored Puppy Plush
I have noticed that Judy And Diana doesn’t reacted to the reactions, they just smile. Like when we clapped they both didn’t clap
I don’t know if it’s just me or you guys are also noticed that too
Ohhh that's interesting! I wonder if it's because they are both snooty types? Like they are too snooty to react back haha. I never tested that out but I'll have to check with Ankha! That's a cute little quirk if that's the case. :)
I only learned this recently when someone posted about it in another thread, but there are three different social levels, the easy way to tell is their wave (link).

Snooty A (which Judy and Diana both are) and Cranky B have low social levels and don't respond to all the reactions.

This is so interesting! Thank you for sharing!

I guess I have something else to look out for when selecting villagers I suppose. I have never once seen a villager wave as the "royal wave" I thought they only had one or two handed waves and I never made any link to that and personality.

I kind of like the idea of a snooty who doesn't respond to my reactions.
it makes me wish we could have 16 villagers just so we could have one of each subtype!(though realistically I would definitely end up with 3-4 normals and peppies) And I want to track down some subtypes I have never had before - like apparently peppy A and sisterly B.
It's one of the ways the game makes differences between the animals. Like Etown20 posted above, watch how they greet you and you'll get a general idea of their reaction to your reactions :p
it makes me wish we could have 16 villagers just so we could have one of each subtype!(though realistically I would definitely end up with 3-4 normals and peppies) And I want to track down some subtypes I have never had before - like apparently peppy A and sisterly B.
Kidd and Raymond are both great smug villagers so their pool being tiny is okay in some ways.
But the Uchi type B pool? That would need some serious work done to it. I hate all 4 of them XD
I only learned this recently when someone posted about it in another thread, but there are three different social levels, the easy way to tell is their wave (link).

Snooty A (which Judy and Diana both are) and Cranky B have low social levels and don't respond to all the reactions.

wow i didn't know about this! i noticed their different waves but i had no idea there even *were* personality subtypes... kinda wish it was more obvious but it's still interesting nonetheless
Oh wow! I didn't know the personalities actually had an influence on the way they react to you! Thats really cool
I only learned this recently when someone posted about it in another thread, but there are three different social levels, the easy way to tell is their wave (link).

Snooty A (which Judy and Diana both are) and Cranky B have low social levels and don't respond to all the reactions.

Oh wow did not know about the subtype differences, thanks so much for sharing. I wonder how the devs went about classifying them into A or B, as it seems like the villagers are not quite evenly distributed within their personality subtypes.... I kinda want to have one villager of each subtype now, even though it’d be too many in total....
Ooh. This really helps in looking for more potential villagers for islands that have specific themes. Thanks for sharing!
this thread has been great, i had no idea! thanks for posting!

edit: that tumblr account is also super great for data mining stuff like this in general, i’ve been following for a while!