About the new furniture

I'm hoping we can get seasonal items still over time even though we are getting no more major updates. Like I'd love to see some day of the dead items when that day comes around. Something like that would be cool, just little things to keep the game flowing longer. Can't imagine they will make another animal crossing for a long long time, so I would love to see this truly become the game of our dreams!
Between Version 2.0 and Happy Home Paradise, this number will likely exceed or get very close to 1,000 since Happy Home Papadise seems to be adding a lot of returning furniture sets.
You’re probably right at about a thousand more or less because we’ll get ceiling stuff along with the other furniture…
Here's my thinking now:

Unlike what the YouTuber says, we haven't seen every bit of new furniture added. That would be weird advertising - stuff like new furniture added are the kinds of things that you want to leave as a surprise to be discovered.

With that said, I still think we have most likely seen a sizable chunk of it. I'd speculate 1/3 at the very least, with upwards of 1/2 or more being most likely. While I hope I'm wrong, I wouldn't expect 1000 new items. More like 600 or less.
Between Version 2.0 and Happy Home Paradise, this number will likely exceed or get very close to 1,000 since Happy Home Paradise seems to be adding a lot of returning furniture sets.

I up this thread because I'd like to have some answers about new furniture added in this update 2.0.
For those who have downloaded and played since the 2.0 update : so in the end, is there really significant furniture content added by this update ?
The trailer showed lots of new items, how many: 100, 1000... or nothing ? Thanks.
I up this thread because I'd like to have some answers about new furniture added in this update 2.0.
For those who have downloaded and played since the 2.0 update : so in the end, is there really significant furniture content added by this update ?
The trailer showed lots of new items, how many: 100, 1000... or nothing ? Thanks.

Including variants, there's almost 9,000 new items added in 2.0.0...
Including variants, there's almost 9,000 new items added in 2.0.0...
You are talking about this ?
30+ color variants of the same item ?
So 9000 items without the ? variants, actually how many are really new? has it been listed somewhere ?
I can't seem to find a site that clearly indicates what was added specifically by this update. Nook Exchange has nothing new...

I wonder if this update bring really new elements of decoration or is it recycling...
When you decorate the villagers houses in HHD, do you have many new elements unlocked ? Thanks

EDIT : I've found a link : https://animalcrossingworld.com/202...animal-crossing-new-horizons-update-datamine/
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