First thing I have to wonder is how exactly grass ran down by the animal tracks feature still hasn't grown back in even the slightest of over three and an half years of almost no running.
component cables?verybody else in this topic seems to have really high quality pictures. Is that the work of component cables (which I don't yet have) or do you all run on old TV's that aren't HD. (the game's screenshots looked great for me on my old TV).
Grass only regrows on days that you play the game. So even if you're not going to play the game on a certain day, it's a good idea to start up the game and save/quit.
component cables?
i have a crappy TV but i just use the SD card and they're fine
Nice pictures!
Here are some of my pictures. I took them yesterday evening (together with Alex, Cat and Nicole)!
LOL, I like the second picture, how do you use spoilers?
[spoiler]the fish swims in the pond[/ spoiler]
What?? I don't get it?