AC:CF Random Guide-Ready for comments and finished


Junior Member
Feb 4, 2009
I just made this topic to answer some obvious questions and stop this thread from becoming too spammy (ooh, look at me, four days in and i'm talking like an admin already... sorry, i know, my rank is grass. never mind)

Anyway, here it is. If you spot any errors just say and I'll patch it up.

To get a Silver Shovel, go right at the city bus stop after 8:00pm. On a random day, the traffic cones there will be moved and you will enter Resetti's hideout. He will give you a Silver Shovel, which can get you more money out of money rocks (see below)

To get a Golden Shovel, bury a regular shovel and dig it up in 1 or 2 days. It will be a golden shovel. With this, you can plant bags of money to make money trees.

Golden and Silver Axes- First, donate 200k at the town hall to get a bridge, then to get a fountain, donate another 300k, to make 500k. First, stand at the fountain with a normal axe and press A. Serena will come alive. Remember, answer the questions honestly (and be flattering!)

To get a silver rod, slingshot or net, check Nook's every day. He might randomly sell one on a certain day.


Money Rocks- There are many rocks in your town. If you get a shovel (any kind) and hit it against a rock (face it and press A) then it might give out money. Continue doing do until it does it no longer. Each day, a different rock gives out money. Get a Silver Shovel (see above) and you may get double the money. TIP- DIG HOLES AROUND YOU BEFORE HITTING THE ROCK - OTHERWISE IT PUSHES YOU BACKWARDS EACH TIME YOU HIT IT!

Time Travelling- NOTE - NO-ONE LIKES TIME-TRAVELLING AND IT CAN MESS UP YOUR GAME. ONLY USE IT IN AN EMERGENCY. To time travel, fire up your Wii, go into Animal Crossing, and when Rover appears, select Other Things. Then, click Date and Time. Adjust your date and time accordingly, and the game will adjust with it. So, say you missed the Flea Market, which was yesterday, go back 24 hours and it will be the Flea Market again! Don't use it though. You can do it! Don't fall foul to this despicable habit -- I know someone who did.


Turnips- On Sunday morning, someone called Joan will wander around your town. From her, you can buy red turnip seeds and white turnips. Buy as many whites as you like. Every day, Nook will make the selling price for these higher or lower, like Monday 146 bells per turnips and so on. Check them by asking him Turnip Prices? and sell them normally. But sell it within a week or they'll go bad! Onto Reds. Buy the one and only seed from Joan. Plant it somewhere. Water it EVERY DAY and in a week it'll have grown into a red turnip. Dig it up, and sell it to Nook for 16k (16,000 bells). Easy money!

1. Adjust your Wii Clock (In its settings) to the same time as your Animal Crossing time.
2. Adjust your Animal Crossing time to your Wii Clock PLUS ONE MINUTE.
3.Wait one week.

K.K Slider- Every Saturday from 7:00pm or 8:00pm, a rockstar dog called K.K Slider will perform in your museum, in the Roost (the coffee shop). You get a relaxing song (talk to him) while watching Animal Crossing's credits. Sometimes, he gives you a copy to put in your stereo at home! It's great fun. He's there till midnight, and you can listen to as many songs as you want. But only one per week for your stereo, unfortunately! :mad:

Visiting other towns- You can visit other towns of people around the world. You need to give them your friend code and they need to give you theirs. Register that, their name and yours (plus town names) and arrange a time! You need to register them in your friend rosters ( the heart icon at the bottom of the screen) and go to the town gate (at the top of your town) and ask the dog on the right if you can go out, or if they are visiting you first, open your gate!

Native Fruit- Each town has a native fruit. When you build your town, you will have only one fruit growing on the trees. For example, in my town, I started with cherries. Your starter fruit sells to Nook for 100 bells. To get new fruits, either go to your friends towns (see above) and get some of their fruit, or send a fruit to a villager. They may send you a different one back.

Fossils, Gyroids and Pitfall Seeds- When you dig something up (marked by a star on the ground), it will be a fossil, gyroid, or pitfall. Pitfall Seeds are like invisible ditches. Walk over one and you will fall down. Move around and you will jump out. Gyroids are mini creatures. You can use them to decorate your home, or sell them. Each one is different, like Tall Dingloid. They make different sounds. Fossils can be donated to the museum, or sold to Nook. Before doing either, get them checked by Blathers, the museum owl. Different fossils are worth upto 5,500 Bells each!


Shampoodle- The city's salon, run by Harriet, can give you different hairstyles (see AC:CF Hair Guide). Harriet asks you personality-related questions to get your hairstyle!

Auction House- The Auction House is where you can auction off items to other players for Bells. See the Auction House Forum for more.

The H.R.A- The Happy Room Academy should, every Sunday, rate your house in terms of style and design. In the city are their headquarters. You can speak to the manager , Lyle (who used to sell you fake insurance on the DS edition) and find out more. You can see the model room in the back.

Katrina- Katrina has a shop in the city. She can tell you your fortune. This affects the game slightly. (see Luck and Karma guide/s)

Redd- Redd is a cheeky fox. He sells counterfeit paintings sometimes. You can buy about 2 other furniture items from him per week or so. He does sell real paintings sometimes (to sell to Nook or donate to the Museum)

GracieGrace- Gracie the giraffe has her own shop. The clerk is called Labelle, and is surprisingly similar to Mabel and Sable! She is, supposedly, their sister. GracieGrace sells designer clothes, shockingly expensive furniture, and accessories. Sometimes, Gracie visits the shop.

The Theater- This theater is where you learn emotions. Dr. Shrunk comes here. Each show is 800 Bells. An emotion in the game is where you can let your character express something.


OK, please comment! I spent a while on this!

From Jai
AC:CF Master (Well, sort of)
Hey. I noticed an error. In order to get fountain, you need to pay 200k for bridge and then 500k for fountain. 700k together
Thanks! I WAS WONDERING WHY JOAN WAS OUT OF RED TURNUPS EVERY TIME I CHECK! So i set my clock to normal time will have 2 wait another week though!