So no idea when the new release date is?
If you go to Gamestop and ask them, they'll give you a date, but it will most likely be a made up date since they don't know the real date. So far, no one really knows the real release date.
Idk why people are obsessed with asking Gamestop release dates. They know nothing. Just freaking well wait until Nintendo releases a date. It isn't that hard, but all these 12 year olds with their short attention spans... I guess it is hard for them..
You don't need to get annoyed. It's just really annoying when every single noob member posts a thread saying "ZOMG I NO WEN ACFREEDS IZ GONNA B RELEAZZED!!!" and they don't, then they say "NO UR WONG, DA GUY @ GAMESTOPZZ TOLD MEH"
There never has been a release date, just wait until Nintendo releases one, problem solved.
Ah, I wish I could get this
I can't get a 3DS cause I already bought my DSI xL a couple months back...
I wish I could play this on the XL.
Uhmm, okay? I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with having a 'short attention span'? Maybe some people are just getting annoyed and impatient with the constant change of release dates and overall just not knowing when it is being released.
looks like your the only one getting annoyed and i never said it was a realease date i dont see why your always so rude to every one if your tired of reading what people say then dont read it but you dont have to poat a rude comment everytime some one says something you dont like or dont want to hear or better yet you dont have to post at all to it just let it go
Alright, from the 3DS conference today, watering flowers, fishing, and multiplayer have been confirmed. There is probably more. I'll update this later
I also see a 2012 release year, so now people should stop posting **** about it will be released this year.