The cranky villagers are so sweet. I've had all the wolves and now have Avery, Walt, Kabuki, Knox, and Croque. If it weren't for my interest in having villagers of different personalities, I'd probably have even more cranky ones.
Able Sisters opened on my island today, and I was just thinking about how much I like that the custom design portal is open right away! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy talking everyday with Sable, but it was annoying doing that just to unlock it before. Yay!
Talking to Sable will net you a few dozen patterns you can use when customizing furniture. So you should still make friends with her.
i recently spoke to redd, not while buying anything, just casually talking to him
and his dialogue is the sweetest thing ever, he started talking about his life and how he started out with throwbacks to CF and NL
i was actually so happy lol
he's become my 3rd fave villager after sable and tom nook (sorry kicks)
I love this, and when the snow piles up on the window. It's also neat that since there's a window behind Isabelle in her morning announcement, you get a preview of what the weather's like outside.Have you ever looked up close to your Windows when it's raining? Little droplets of rain run down it. It's very cool.
I like how the length of the day changes depending on time of year, just like irl. 6 p.m. is still very bright outside in the summer, but in winter it's already dusk. 5 a.m. is still dark in the winter, but in the summer the sky is lit up green and yellow. I think that's a cool touch and adds to the differences in atmosphere year-round.