these have been mentioned millions of times but the main things that i’d love to see get added are;
• indestructible tools - while i understand the intent of temporary durability, having to continuously craft replacements is a bit exhausting ;u;
• furniture and clothing from new leaf, hhd and pocket camp to make an appearance!
• the return of dr. shrunk - despite the fact that reactions are now mainly learnt through villagers, new ones are being introduced through updates and so i see no reason why dr. shrunk can’t make an appearance!
• building customization + new path, bridge and incline designs!
• a bunch of QoL updates such as bulk crafting, bulk purchases, being able to put diy cards into storage, etc,,
I wish there was a marker of some sort on the minimap to show where balloons are located on your island, I feel like that would be very very helpful instead of relying on the sound of the balloon!
For me, more little event? I like logging in and doing something. I would love if there could be at least one event a month. It doesnt have to be big. Holidays are fun, but a picnic day in the spring or a post card event just a small one day thing would be fun to.
there's a lot of bigger stuff I'd like to see but I just had the thought that it would be cute if we could have the little poses we do on the wardrobe menu be regular reactions!
That's not possible unfortunately. The game is built on a cylinder (log). It rotates which allows things to look like you're running on a spherical earth. This means it's not possible to look left or right. And since the game was designed to be seen from the bottom-up, a lot of things aren't rendered to be seen from the opposite.
I think we should Be able to have Gates. Opened only by the people who live on the island. And when people visit, the gate will still be able to be opened and closed. That way you can close gates where you don’t want visitors or you can close them out of places
i'd looove to see the return of the cafe- but with some new elements! imagine if we could choose an interior/exterior theme, or something like that! i really love the cozy vibes of the cafe, and I hope that in the future we'll be able to make our daily visits to it! <:
I really like being able to create rooms in Harvey’s island. This helps me test out rooms and see if I like them before decorating my homes. It’s also really nice to see how outfits look on villagers before gifting them.
I was kind of hoping there were options of seeing how certain items would look in your town before buying those items. Like for example how a wreath would look on a villagers home before gifting it. Or how a certain time would look next to residential services before buying this item. I just like planning things ahead of time. That would be a nice option.
Here are some things that I suggest that would make New Horizons better than it currently is.
1, All the current buildings on our islands get new upgrades, but they have new items and features added to them
2. Villagers can actually come and hang out at your home or you can ask them to do favors for them and you get different rewards besides clothing and furniture.
3. Dodo Airlines should let you browse islands that are currently opened that don't require you to enter the dodo code.
4. There should be a warning indicator when your tool is about to break
5. If you wanted to restart your island, Tom Nook can buy your island out for a lot of bells and those bells will be despoiled when you get your brand new island.
6. Your nookphone should have a massive upgrade where you can have more useful apps on your phone like Dodo Airlines, Marketplace (for trading), and a social network to keep in touch with your villagers of what they are up to.
7. Villagers who recently moved out on your island can still write to you in mail of what they are up to these days and how they miss being with you on the island which can happen every month.
8. Whenever you go to a Nook Mile Island Wilbur should let you send the items you obtained back to your home in the mailbox.
9. You should still be able to do stuff on your island while one of your friends is coming to visit and not be forced to wait on load screens.
10. Old NPCs make a return and when you do enough special request for them they might think about setting up shop on your island.
1. Instead of mom just mailing us we could have mom animated into the game and visit our islands. and she can come to our bday's which would be wonderful to have into the game.
2. You should be able to do stuff on your island while one of your friends is coming to visit and not be forced to wait on loading screen.
3. Dodo Airlines should let you browse other islands that are currently opened that don't require you to enter the dodo code.
• Unbreakable tools! I don't like having a permanent countdown in my head every time I use one for anything, and having to stop in the middle of what I'm doing to go make a new tool.
• Ability to use the touch screen to make designing patterns and organising pockets easier. It's strange how the keyboard is the only thing in the the game that responds to touch while in previous handheld games it was everything
• A shopping cart at Able's (I've bought most of what I'm going to buy, so for new players)
• Cyrus visiting and customising our items into other variations like he did in NL (or maybe even while at this photoshoot)
• Ability to mute the background music
• A "design mode" for the outdoors making everything way easier, including making it possible to put something on the middle of a table
• Tortimer's island so we can play mini games like in NL. I'm not sure what will keep me playing once I finish designing my island, since my gameplay right now is just doing chores and designing
• Regulating the crazy RNG which can be unjustifiably aggravating and time-wasting
• Bring back some sets from previous games (or inspired versions), like the Creepy set and Princess set, maybe a super expensive set for Gracie to sell
• It would be nice if by the end of the updates we'd end up with the same level of furniture variety that NL had (e.g. the same amount of food items, plants, topiaries)
• Tweak the lamps so that they can light up more than a small radius around them, or give us the ability to adjust the brightness level in the room
• Ability to adjust the radius of sound on the music players outside, so I don't have to have so many hidden behind trees for a tiny area.
• I wish I could use others' designs and dream without needing a subscription, since I'd only do it rarely and they already put way too many things behind that paywall (never going to happen I know)
I would love it if they had a "review" system for Dream Islands. To avoid unnecessary mean comments it could be like the chat system in magic the gathering on PC, like 4/5 bubbles to choose from and not your own input.
I think it'd be a nice touch!
-We NEED an “add to cart” option at Able Sisters. Many days I don’t even check the store because I’m not feeling up to the 10 minute back-and-forth of checking my catalogue, going back in, forgetting something, leaving... so on.
-Iron garden bench and chairs need more customization colours! There’s only 5 boring, dated colours when there should be pastels, primaries and others. I need pastel yellow ones for my pink areas!
-And lastly, a different player profile should get a fresh set of custom design slots. Yes, we need more slots, with these 12 slot layered blanket designs and 16 slot garden mosaics! This was baffling when I found out about the shared slots. It Makes me wonder if the game’s framework was even meant to handle much more than it already is. My mermaid area makes the game crap it’s pants.
-Seeing the items in Pocket Camp gives me huge FOMO. They have so much more interesting, large beautiful items like gazebos, and big castles and slides! And THE VILLAGERS CAN INTERACT WITH THE ITEMS. ITS SO ADORABLE. So why is a free iPhone game chocked full of the good stuff when my almost $500 setup is inferior in this way and many other important ways?