Oh yeah, you had at 10th too!I hope you’re feeling better today.
Thank you! I'm feeling much better~
Oh yeah, you had at 10th too!I hope you’re feeling better today.
Yeah, I thought they were final five for sure.In all seriousness, I'm actually shocked to see Beau and Merengue placing here before many of these other villagers. I'm happy about it, but it actually shocks me that they aren't in the final five or something.
I refuse to accept 11th... my beautiful baby Beau deserves so much more!!! I have Erik also but he doesnt come close to how much Beau has stolen my heart! Ah well Beau always 1st in my heart!
Yeah, I was shocked too!Kinda shocked to see Merengue here! I have no real opinion towards her, but I always thought she was cute! As for who comes next, I have no idea!
Yeah, I know who you’re hoping to see go.I know who I hope it is (sorry lovely host, I know it is someone you actually love) but as for who i think it really will be...it seems like the sort of ‘not popular enough for there to be many very strong feelings against them’ group left who are benefitting from lack of backlash. So it is hard to say. I feel like if those left Mint is the one I hear about the least, so maybe her (she’s an underrated snooty, but also looks a little ‘not on type’ which some people don’t like - cute though!)? Or Roald, who had some YouTube journey or something involving him being meme-ified which seems to turn people off - so maybe him.
Merry had the same thing happen to her, and I don’t understand that one either but I really hope it is not her, I love her so much!
rooting hard for Reneigh, Merry, and Kiki! And a high placement for wade would be great too!
Yeah, I found it strange that you didn’t mention him in your predictions.Oh Sherb! I feel a bit bad tbh. I totally forgot about him being in this thing!I guess that’s kind of the best expression of my feelings about him.
I don’t really dislike him. I think he is overrated (as discussed above), but honestly he is fairly cute. His pastel blue is not my favorite (there are too many blue lazies!), and his house should clearly be the wood block furniture or at least the wooden furniture in blue. @Bk1234 is right his house is odd.
The day he came to my campsite was the day after I found Cole on a mystery island, so I didn’t really give Sherb a chance.
However, I am a sucker for a ‘I didn’t expect to love this villager story’ and he looks cute in the dreamy sweater, so I am feeling pretty positively toward him this morning. Also, his photo is pretty cute.
Kind of sad to see Sherb go because he was one of the last ones in my top 10, although I have to admit that I'm not too upset, because like I said before I think he looks pretty similar to Filbert so I don't really see why Sherb is so much more loved. I'm not a fan of Sherb's cross-eyed look, either. I still like him though! He was initially my favourite of the eight new villagers, although now it's more of a tossup between him and Judy.
I’m sad about Sherb too.Kind of sad to see Sherb go because he was one of the last ones in my top 10, although I have to admit that I'm not too upset, because like I said before I think he looks pretty similar to Filbert so I don't really see why Sherb is so much more loved. I'm not a fan of Sherb's cross-eyed look, either. I still like him though! He was initially my favourite of the eight new villagers, although now it's more of a tossup between him and Judy.
Oh wow, I didn’t know that about his Japanese name!Oh my gosh! I love wade! I 100% agree with @Bk1234 comments. Both that he is adorable and that he is very overshadowed by all th
The funny thing is I think a lot of lazies are really cute, but I have trouble finding a lazy that really clicks for me, to the extent that my other favorites do. (other than Cole and Clay. Rex my original lazy, who in retrospect I was too hasty to move out, might fit too).
when I saw wade on an island I really was not prepared for how cute I found him! I regret not inviting him, and probably will next time I find him. His little round body, his sweet face - just adorable! To me the lazies are all babies, the youngest of the villagers, despite technically living on their own, and he just fits that perfectly!
Also like that in Japanese his name is Kamaboko, a kind of fish cake. It just seems cute ☺. (And does make his strange ‘wall of fish’ wall make sense)
Good job making it to the top ten little dude!
(My comments seem extra rambly today, sorry - it is early and I have not had coffee - but I was so excited to see wade!)
I also really like his eyes!Despite my #13 ranking, I really like Wade; he's cute and I love his eyes! I just liked the twelve I put above him better, but it's still nice to see him make it this far.
I’m not really sure who I like better between the two. I guess I’d go with Wade, since his eyes are cuter, in my opinion.Wade is cute, but I like Roald, the other penguin left in the top 24, more, so I think that probably affected my ranking a bit