Acre B-3: April

PIKMIN042 said:
Welcome to The Bell Tree! I hope that you have fun, and follow the rules! But the most important thing is to enjoy yourself! Ask any questions if you have any.

I said that first!


I'm sorry, I didn't see your post.... very sorry...
Man The crossign Gardian has been dead for 3 hours. You guys need to get on earlier. I have read all of test your AC knowlege, ACDS thread, and almost done with codes plus.
I was replying to PIRANHA sating "You'll never guess what i found in my ear today!" Duh!

Hey guys, not to be strict or anything, but this is kinda spam...

...Chat threads ARE spam

:p but they count as posts

:) ever been to bungalow? they dont care what you do there, as long as its within reason... heck, i started a conversation with myself (even ask MIN0, he was there :p)