Add my sister

Hey I'll add her. Just tell me when she's added me. I love to play with the little kids...

Don't take that in a bad way... XD
I added her and you! Just send me a pm and let me know if you/she added me, she's welcome to come to my town anytime, as are you!
Why doesn't your sister join the annoying animal crossing place called "Animal Crossing Community". It's extremely safe for kids, and all you have to do is have an email address to sign up. (They ask for age but ANY age works, this 3 year old was on. O.O) They are way too strict (which is nice for kids), that's why I don't like it there. :)
Biochao said:
She can't join TBT to post it herself because she is 8.
So please add her.
Rules: No Swearing!
Don't take things without her permission.

Code in sig\/
She can't get on because she's 8? I know there are 8 year olds on this website... as well as on Animal Crossing...