Shop 🌺 Adopt A Collectible [Open] 🌺

Ok, sure! I have a ton of collectibles lost, I don't know where I found these. I have another green candy, blue candy, cherry and a tasty cake.

I was gonna keep the cherry since it was from the October 2019 restock but, eh...
Ok, sure! I have a ton of collectibles lost, I don't know where I found these. I have another green candy, blue candy, cherry and a tasty cake.

I was gonna keep the cherry since it was from the October 2019 restock but, eh...

I think you should keep the cherry if you want it! Or sell it for some tbt so you can save up for more collectibles you want! cx I think a cherry goes for 200 tbt ish? Maybe 150-200tbt haha
Yeah, I should sell it soon. Also, should I send it now? Yes, I've seen some people miss this out so maybe it can help someone. :]
Yeah, I should sell it soon. Also, should I send it now? Yes, I've seen some people miss this out so maybe it can help someone. :]

Yeah! Feel free to send the collectibles you plan on donating anytime you want! I'll be able to update the list in a couple of hours, about to head out for dinner. Most likely getting pho since I'm sick ahaha! Thanks again! cx

Huge shout out to CheryllACNL for donating a blue candy, green candy, and tasty cake!!! <3

Another huge shout out to Naekoya for donating 5 tasty cakes! <3

~Blue candy has been adopted & Shop is up to date! Make sure to check the OP to see which collectibles are available to adopt! c: Also friendly reminder that it's not first come first serve!

Hi Miharu! May I know the date of the mitten please?
Sure can! It's 12-18-2015 04:29 AM c: Let me know if that works for you! <3

Do you happen to have any Halloween 2018 red candies? :)
Yup! :3 I currently have 3, but one is on hold for someone cx​
Hey Miharu. I was wondering about the dates of the green candy and the red candies. Trying to make a certain lineup with the candies that I currently have.
Hi! Could I please adopt any 2 2019 collectibles. These will most likely be temporary but might be permanent depending on how long I'll need them. Thank you!
Hey Miharu. I was wondering about the dates of the green candy and the red candies. Trying to make a certain lineup with the candies that I currently have.
Hi hi! I can definitely find out the green candy date for you, but as for the red candies is there a certain time stamp you are looking for? If anything I can just have it displayed on my side bar when I'm feeling better and on my computer for you to take a look! :3

Could I adopt the green candy please?
I'll get back to you about that soon! Might have someone else interested in it atm c:

Thanks for letting me know the date of the mitten, I'll definitely think about it :)
Np at all <3

Hi! Could I please adopt any 2 2019 collectibles. These will most likely be temporary but might be permanent depending on how long I'll need them. Thank you!
Hi hi, it seems you already have a full line up! If you are just looking for any 2019 collectibles then the shop might be easier for you to buy from :3
Hi hi! I can definitely find out the green candy date for you, but as for the red candies is there a certain time stamp you are looking for? If anything I can just have it displayed on my side bar when I'm feeling better and on my computer for you to take a look :3
Yes. I'm looking for a certain date for the red candy. Looking for a red candy dated between 11-03-2017 and 10-29-2018, so it fits in between my two green candies.
Yes. I'm looking for a certain date for the red candy. Looking for a red candy dated between 11-03-2017 and 10-29-2018, so it fits in between my two green candies.
Hi hi! Tysm for waiting! <3 Date on green candy is: 10-29-2016 05:59 PM !

As for red candies in those dates, unfortunately I don't have any dated in between those times ; v ; The ones in 2018 are only dated in December Dx Hope you can find the right dates for your line up! <3

Hi may I adopt Pumpkin Cupcake? :)
Sure can! Sending shortly! <3
Hi hi! Tysm for waiting! <3 Date on green candy is: 10-29-2016 05:59 PM !

As for red candies in those dates, unfortunately I don't have any dated in between those times ; v ; The ones in 2018 are only dated in December Dx Hope you can find the right dates for your line up! <3
Thanks for taking a look though. :] Hope to find that red candy date soon. Also... Thanks for checking the date on the green candy. It wasn't the date I was looking for. The green candy was like my back-up option.
Thanks for taking a look though. :] Hope to find that red candy date soon. Also... Thanks for checking the date on the green candy. It wasn't the date I was looking for. The green candy was like my back-up option.

No problem at all!!! cx Good luck on your search!! :3