600 B
thank you for the bid, will update in a sec!600 B
yesss!Does A come with the little macaron on the side? :>
thank you for the bid, will update in a sec!
Ok! I'd like to RLC auto-buy A, please :>
woo!! thanks so much, i'll pm the details shortly~
also, @ mayorevvie: will send the adopt once your inbox is emptied!!
Cleared ;-;
Yay! Thank you so much, Gracelia! :>
whoaa so many ab's!!
yayyy!! >v<b
600 B
hey, do you know if/when the next batch will be up? thank you very much, i love your art!
thank ya, you two r too sweet
mmm my arm has pretty much been aching and giving me all sorts of trouble as of late so i haven't been able to sit and draw for very long! today is my last break day, so ill see what i can do :,D
thanks, pretty pumped to see them tbh