Advice on choosing villagers

. Rarity .

A Beautiful Heart 🌌💎
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
This is something I've seen before, people come up with designs for their island, then use villagers that look best to fit in. I'm curious which would work best for mine, or advice on which ones I should use.

I have a floral, relic, island. I went for a floral over grown Forest look, with a bit of japanese items, and fencing here and there. I'm not very far in, I'm just at the point of being able to move in the rest of the ten villagers I want, in. I was curious who would work best for that kinda theme

So yeah! Just curious on some advice on who would work well!
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Well for housing exteriors i think the best houses for your island from what i gathered might be


There are loads more here

Oh interesting! I actually already have Octavian, and Drago on my island, some of those villagers I've never heard of! I'll look into each
Here are a few that I think might work quite well with your theme:

Clay (lazy hamster) - I believe he is based off a traditional Japanese figurine
Coco (normal rabbit) - think she'd fit quite well with the relic theme
Ankha (snooty cat) - same as above but she might clash a bit with the island theme as her theme is Egyptian
Chester (lazy cub) - hes themed on a panda and might fit quite well on your island
Chow (cranky bear) - another villager that appears to be based of a panda
Genji (jock rabbit) - his character design looks like it would fit well with the theme
June (normal cub) - she might fit quite nicely with the floral theme
Kabuki (cranky cat) - his design and name are apparently based off a Japanese theatre style
Pekoe (normal cub) - her theme would also fit quite nicely with the floral theme

Hope that gives you some help in choosing your villagers :giggle:
Thank you! I never thought about adding Coco, but she might work pretty well. Some of those I've never heard of, and I'll look at! Thanks!

I believe I have Kabuki's card

(I really like Clay's design. I've never heard of him until now)
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