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Shop Agiledog's Catalog to purchase shop - Closed to new orders

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Hello, friend! I would like to order a red riding dress and the red riding hood!

red riding dress 680
red riding hood 400 = 1080 + fee = 2,000 Deal or no deal?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hi, i know you asked to keep orders low but...
Ive been looking for these items for a long time so ill list em out...
tea tansu
tatami bed
straw umbrella hat
sushi platter
stair dresser
biwa lute
black katana
blossom lantern
campfire cookware
carp banner
ceramic hot pot
cherry blossom clock
circle banner
conveyor belt sushi
conical straw hat
emperors cap
Exotic Set
female mask
festive lantern
fish grill
flamenco hat (the hat, not the chair)
garden tank
geisha wig
generals fan
generals stool
girls day updo
hair bow wig
hot plate
spring kimono
topknot wig
tea set
tall lantern
taiko drum
sunrise lamp
imperial tile
imperial wall
lazy susan table
lucky cats (lefty, black, gold)
lovely doll
low screen
mama panda
modern screen
ninja outfit (hood, sandals, shirt, pants)
paper lantern
paper parasol
paper tiger
raccon figurine (tanuki)
rice cooker
rice plant bed
samurai helmet
samurai pants
Samurai suit
samurai wig
shogi board
shogi piece
tsunokakushi (the hairdoo)
white katana
Campus Set
I know this is a absolutely huge order, im willing to pay over 10x the value of all the items combined, or almost any price you name...
Darius-The-Fox - Willing to do the 1st 26 items at this time.
tea tansu 1600
tatami bed 2400
sword 1400
straw umbrella hat 240
sushi platter 1680
stair dresser 2252
biwa lute 1800
black katana 12000
blossom lantern 2400
bow 1400
campfire 1360
campfire cookware 800
stewpot 960
carp banner 2020
ceramic hot pot 1000
cherry blossom clock 4160
circle banner 1200
conveyor belt sushi 3600
conical straw hat 1200
emperors cap 1320
Exotic Set
bed 2540
bench 1900
bureau 2400
chair 1400
chest 1800
end table 1600 = 56,432 + fee = 60,000 Deal or no deal? (26)
100% deal!
my gates are open (im having ppl help me with stuff, but feel free to come on over)
Whenever you are willing to do the other items post back on my profile ^3^
My towns name is Foxton
100% deal!
my gates are open (im having ppl help me with stuff, but feel free to come on over)
Whenever you are willing to do the other items post back on my profile ^3^
My towns name is Foxton

I still need to order the items and add your FC still but I will VM you when it is ready.
Let me know when you think you'll get to my 2nd order (post #60) so that I can attend to other things as well.

Ballet outfit 1600
Blossoming dress 620
Cake tank dress 6000
Cat tank dress 800
Caveman tank dress 800
Citrus gingham dress 640
Dapper dress 800
Fluffy tank dress 800
Lotus tank dress 640
Loud bloom dress 640
Moldy dress 400
Natty dress 800
nurse's uniform 800
Palatial tank dress 640
Pastel- stripe dress 680
Pharaoh's outfit 640
Pinafore 580
Plum coat 800
Pop bloom dress 640
Red riding dress 680
Rose-sky tank dress 680
Rose tank dress 680
Silk bloom dress 680
Spring kimono 800
Toga 640
Twinkle tank dress 720 =24,200 + fee = 25,000 Deal or no deal?
Ballet outfit 1600
Blossoming dress 620
Cake tank dress 6000
Cat tank dress 800
Caveman tank dress 800
Citrus gingham dress 640
Dapper dress 800
Fluffy tank dress 800
Lotus tank dress 640
Loud bloom dress 640
Moldy dress 400
Natty dress 800
nurse's uniform 800
Palatial tank dress 640
Pastel- stripe dress 680
Pharaoh's outfit 640
Pinafore 580
Plum coat 800
Pop bloom dress 640
Red riding dress 680
Rose-sky tank dress 680
Rose tank dress 680
Silk bloom dress 680
Spring kimono 800
Toga 640
Twinkle tank dress 720 =24,200 + fee = 25,000 Deal or no deal?
I'd like to order:

Cherry blossom clock
Aurora screen
Raccoon wall clock
campus set

Cherry blossom clock 4160
Aurora screen 4080
Raccoon wall clock 1600
campus set
Notebook bed 23760
Notebook wardrobe 23760
Eraser sofa 23760
Sticker tape liner 23760
Set square table 23760
Pencil screen 23760
Notebook wall 23760
Notebook floor 23760 = 199,920 + fee = 200,000 Deal or no deal?
Cherry blossom clock 4160
Aurora screen 4080
Raccoon wall clock 1600
campus set
Notebook bed 23760
Notebook wardrobe 23760
Eraser sofa 23760
Sticker tape liner 23760
Set square table 23760
Pencil screen 23760
Notebook wall 23760
Notebook floor 23760 = 199,920 + fee = 200,000 Deal or no deal?
Hi! If you're still doing this I need the regal armoire, Grapefuit Chair, Melon Chair, Orange Chair, and Lovely carpet, lamp and Vanity!
and the mermaid statue!
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Hi, I'd like to order the minimalist set, leaf umbrella, phonograph, K.K. Milonga, and a fireplace.
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I would love to place another order.
Baby Bed
clothesline pole
general's stool
mermaid statue
reception table
stew pot
trash bin
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