Hey Agiledog
I'm looking for the complete Sleek set with wallpaper and carpet. If you can get this set for me I'd be more than happy to pay you 100,000 bells. See ya soon!
Hey I'm looking for the Kiddie set, with wallpaper and floor if there is one. I will be happy to give you an increased fee
Can I buy a slingshot?
Kiddie set
bed 2100
bookcase 1800
bureau 2200
carpet 1630
chair 1400
clock 1480
couch 2200
dresser 2150
stereo 1900
table 2200
wallpaper 1500
wall clock 1800
wardrobe 2180 = 24,540 + fee = 30,000 Deal?
Yeah deal
Just a regular slingshot? I can check to see if I have one in my store. I think they are 500 bells. So can you afford 1,000 bells?
Not a problem! I need one for Bunny Day.
I sent you my friend code through PM.
I need:
alarm clock
arcade machine
blue bureau
cabin armchair
fancy doll
festival lantern
alarm clock 1000
arcade machine 4400
bass 2400
blue bureau 2160
bow 1400
cabin armchair 2280
dartboard 1520
fancy doll 1400
festival lantern 900 = 17,460 + fee = 20,000 Deal?
Sounds good!