
It probably wont work again until like 11pm Pacific time again.. like lsat night.. so..
that gives us like another hour to complain :(
yay! 10!
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10 users reading this topic (1 Guest and 0 Anonymous)
Members: Palad][n, Tyler, Bloodywolf090, kordol, Tuck, Kaylee, bazookie, Ashley, ACCFRulez
Palad said:
[n,Dec 29 2008, 01:00:24 AM]it was fast... but i see no towns.
Leave it on the list and wait for a town to pop up. Sometimes it takes a while.
Tyler said:
Palad said:
[n,Dec 29 2008, 01:00:24 AM]it was fast... but i see no towns.
Leave it on the list and wait for a town to pop up. Sometimes it takes a while.
thats what im about to do..
hoping someone will pop up..

my younger brother was on there earlier
and i could see his town,
but i couldnt get there...