AIKA VILLAGE (Scariest village you will ever visit)

The girl gets a doll for her birthday. The doll becomes attached to her owner...her "mommy". The doll becomes jealous of her mommy's parents. She murders the mom on a bed...her dad becomes sad. Buries his wife on the beach and commits suicide there. The doll and her mommy are all alone now...the dolls wants to keep it that way. Locks herself and her mommy in a room with bars...they are all alone now. With the dolls new shiny toy...and eyes in all directions watch them forever...I love my mommy..
Well if that doesn't give me nightmares, nothing will....
I watched the video yesterday and I'm really impressed by how much work the mayor put into this town. It's like a creepypasta come to life. @_@ Maybe there should be a contest to create a themed town. xDD
Its interesting village and makes me want to make a theme of my own! Now I want to visit the village.
For a reason, Aika village made me think of a story I could write
That is so cool. I hope people make more themed towns like that with a back-story that we can visit when the game is finally released in NA. :D
I really wish these games had the journals from the Gamecube version. That could have made some awesome themes...
I really wish these games had the journals from the Gamecube version. That could have made some awesome themes...

I know right! I wonder why Nintendo never bothered to add the journals to the sequels. :/
I know right! I wonder why Nintendo never bothered to add the journals to the sequels. :/

Probably because the DS has stuff like that built in or you can buy. Which is a shame, because I liked the journals. I guess they'd rather have people use their devices to their full potential. The journals were also the only way you could talk to other players besides writing letters, so with the ability to chat, it became less needed.
I love horror like this. Subtle, indirect, and you have to think about it and you can twist it in your own mind to make it scary.

Personally I find gory, jump scare horror to be a cheap way to get a quick scare. I prefer the horror to get into my head.
The only reason it creeps me out is because I have a bit of a fear of dolls.

Something about the players being walking, talking, versions of the dolls creeps me out too.
I love horror like this. Subtle, indirect, and you have to think about it and you can twist it in your own mind to make it scary.

Personally I find gory, jump scare horror to be a cheap way to get a quick scare. I prefer the horror to get into my head.

One reason I find a lot of US horrors to be very stupid. It seems like the majority of American horror is just something or someone chasing people and trying to kill or eat them or whatever and it's like... that's so basic and a waste. Psychological horror actually takes some good writing and planning. But I guess Americans for the most part are still stuck in their ways with their horror genre.

It seems like US horror is more of a joke, really. Like just for fun and laughs. How ridiculous can we make this? Doesn't seem as artistic as some psychological horrors. Not to mention the fact horror movies from various Asian countries often get remade into an American version.
I will watch old Hitchcock movies, but refuse to watch any new horror films. They're all about gore, and how much they can get on screen, which I HATE, but people seem to eat it up. Hitchcock knew how to do it. :D
Yeah. Blood and gore is scary but most horror movies use it SO MUCH that it isn't even scary anymore.

It's like when people enjoy a certain flavor of ice cream and they eat it every day for 3 months. Pretty soon they're gonna get sick of that ice cream. I see so much bloody, gory horror that there's just nothing interesting about it anymore. |: Combine that with zombies and you get a double whammy of yawn.

The more subtle something is, the more closely it is to just being not normal, the more it can be terrifying. You KNOW something's wrong with this town. It's obvious something has happened. But the fact they don't tell you what is one of the most horrifying things. It could be anything you can think of. The only limitation is the way the observer's brain twists the information it is receiving.

Plus I think maybe some things can be lost between cultures. Shoes on the beach is weird, sure. But Most people in the united states don't think to take of their shoes if they kill themselves. So a Japanese person will be more startled by such an image than someone in the US would. Of course, I knew that little tidbit of information already so it WAS startling for me.
I don't find it creepy so much as I find it fascinating. It's the same way that I have yet to see a scary movie that has actually invoked fear in me. I've watched American, European, Japanese, even Korean horror films, but I have yet to be "scared" by a movie. This is no exception.

What makes Aika village cool is how much was put into it. Everything about it was crafted to fit the mood. Not even just the obvious ways either. It's the little things like the time of day that make the difference. 4 PM was chosen because it had the scary, ambient music in the back. It's those little details that make it cool. It was also set up so that they gave just enough information to give us a story, but left just enough out so that we are left to our own speculations.
I wonder if, when the othe regions have the game, if someone will create a town just as elaborate.