Hey, just seeing these now. I'll be away for the next few days but will get to them then
Here is the finished sig! Sorry it took so long, I'll reduce the 15 TBT to 14
And here is yours! I'll also reduce the 5 TBT to 4 for the wait
Please let me know if you would like any changes or need updates!
Here ya go! Let me know if you need more updates!
I've been wanting one of these for a while! Here's the order!
Mayor Name: Clyde
Town Name: Queens
Native Fruit: Cherry
Villagers: Vesta, Carmen, Lucky, Walker, Pietro, Marcel, Erik, Bones, Chevre, Pashmina
Obtained Item: Red Pansies?
Codes/ID's: Friend Code: 4227-3815-8324
Shape: Here
Background: I have a few here.
Cropped & Uncropped
Animated: Yes
Font (Colour, Style...): Depending on how dark the background is, make the text White. Maybe use THIS font for the "Clyde of Queens" text and then use a simplier font for the other text?
Other: Could you make the background gif black and white?
Hey! I can get started on this for you now. Mind sending another link for the shape you want? The one you posted isn't working for me
I was wondering how small can you make the text signatures cause I was thinking about having a dark galaxy Mayor Keith of Altea text signature under my signature I'm using right now.
I've been wanting one of these for a while! Here's the order!
Mayor Name: Clyde
Town Name: Queens
Native Fruit: Cherry
Villagers: Vesta, Carmen, Lucky, Walker, Pietro, Marcel, Erik, Bones, Chevre, Pashmina
Obtained Item: Red Pansies?
Codes/ID's: Friend Code: 4227-3815-8324
Shape: Here
Background: I have a few here.
Cropped & Uncropped
Animated: Yes
Font (Colour, Style...): Depending on how dark the background is, make the text White. Maybe use THIS font for the "Clyde of Queens" text and then use a simplier font for the other text?
Other: Could you make the background gif black and white?
Hi! I was hoping to get 2 text signatures please?
Text: Vertigo
Background #1: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/16/58/3416588b9dc9daafb2ea6bbdb1a62108.gif
Background #2: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ff/76/76/ff76766662eb9e7f623ed805bd4033f3.gif
Animated (YES/NO): Yes
Font (Colour, Style...): Something similar to your first text example if possible!