Mayor Name: K?vin
Wanted Villager: Drago
Favorite Game/Cartoon: the Pok?mon game series <3 (well, until gen 4, then the monsters really started to look like crap even though the games were OK ^^' )
Friend Code: 3755-1079-4597
Availability: after 6pm NZT on weekday, upon arrangements on week-ends

One of my villagers is moving on June 12th, which means I will have a free spot on the 13th (NZT), which is a Thursday. I cannot time travel right now as I just bought hundreds of turnips LOL

However I saw that you may not be available on Thursdays. I could probably time travel 1 day on the week of the 10th to meet you on the Wednesday if that suits you better, if I remember not to buy turnips! ^^'
If I could book Drago for that date that would be awesome!