All gold, pink and orange roses stolen...

Man, thats really horrible. I hope you'll never have to go through that again.

If you need some pink roses or orange ones, I'll bring some over. I don't have many, I think I got 2 pink roses, but I could always bring more after I get back from my conference. I'll even breed some for you if needed and I really don't want roses in my town anyway.

EDIT: Went to check them and they are withered at the moment, sorry about that. If you want some from me you can ask for some in the weekend if you want.
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If you need any black roses I have ALOT of them If you want to come over and take a few It helps?
That's terrible. It still amazes me to see that people act like this in AC. It boggles my mind. But I have 1 gold rose and a few pink and orange roses you can have for free. I'm busy atm, but will pm when I'm available.
Thanks for your support everyone, but just keep the flowers yourself. I'll get through this eventually.
Thanks for your support everyone, but just keep the flowers yourself. I'll get through this eventually.

I have quite a few of them so it's no biggy. I only have the one gold rose that i got by accident. I don't really like gold roses.

Unfortunately the Nintendo server seems to be down atm . . . or my internet has gone funky. Idk.
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