All pikmin hat information inside here (also game)

Stardust said:
For instance, if you have a lovely majoras mask that you payed 1 million bells for, and then someone hacks it and gives it out to everyone... How would you feel?
I would feel like 'hey at least i earned it and made teh money which took my time which helped me have more fun so my game lasts longer'
For a pessimist I'm pretty optimistic ;)
*slaps mega for not noticing his 2 posts*

*facepalms self for getting mini's name wrong*
Well, if you saw that this hat was only being given to Japan through DLC and you loved it, and couldn't have it, what would you do? Because I'm sure many people want it.
Maybe we could cut down passing it to three people and so on so that it doesn't get too boring.

@stardust: Maybe I don't give a damn what people think about me?
It's okay muh_pits I see you. o_O

EDIT: LOL minimang you changed it to booblet heh you are teh pwnsome nao xD
You do if they get mad and start stealing your turnips and chopping down trees. ESPECIALLY if you're going for the golden can.
Well, I only wifi with people I know...people that know me well, and know I wouldn't hackz. So case closed, this type of experience probably wouldn't occur to me. And I could disconnect whenever I want. >:p
I might want to see the full museum >.> lol.

Especially the Tarantula and Scorpions! :llama:

But I still disagree with the pikmin thing . :gyroidverymad:
k Lewis, lemme add you, gates r open (and some chicks here talking up a storm so ull be amused and aroused)

EDIT: added
Yeah, I'm a girl. There's nothing wrong with that. >:p
I'm not bi either, I was just laughing on how you said that about the girls about how he would be aroused.