Cycling ♡ Alphabet & Betabet Cycling Towns ♡ PLEASE READ LAST POST

can i pre-reserve Marina and Lolly?

i hope your ds gets fixed soon !
sorry for the trouble but on my pre-reserves can you change Marina to Merengue instead? thank you!
I would be glad to take bluebear
Edit: Would it be possible to reserve Gala too? Thank you again!
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sorry for the trouble but on my pre-reserves can you change Marina to Merengue instead? thank you!

No problem!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Is there any way I can get Marshall or Static? If not that's totally fine!

I can pre reserve them both for you.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I would be glad to take bluebear
Edit: Would it be possible to reserve Gala too? Thank you again!

I've reserved them both for you :)
I'M BACK, BABY! Amazon pulled through so I now have a new 2DS. Well, new to me anyway.

Lyman and Chadder have moved in.

Cube is in boxes, and he is up for grabs.

Alice is in boxes, but he is reserved.
Agnes and Sylvia have moved in.

Pippy is in boxes, and she is up for grabs.

O'Hare is in boxes, but he is reserved.