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Already Having a Problem with Dying Grass


Jun 10, 2013
Throwback Tickets
I really wish they took the disappearing grass "paths" thing out after City Folk. Now I have to overkill my town with flowers everywhere, and be sure to water them every day, which takes forever. I really don't mind dirt around the bridges or even in front of the buildings, but I hate it around the river and the other random paths I take through my woods.:mad: I really hope grass regrows fast in this game. I'm having flashbacks to my completely bare town from City Folk.

Not really much in this topic. I just needed to rant for a moment. ;)
Try to not run or anything. o: I put down pattern paths so that I don't really kill my grass
oh, ****. I didn't realize those brown spots were from dying grass..

I'm just gonna.. stop running from now on. ^^;
I actually prefer dirt paths. ): I place down patterns so I can easily run on them to make dirt paths, lol. But with the QR codes it will be easier to get pretty paths this time around.

Anyway! The town isn't so huge that walking around takes a lot of time. And with 2-3 bridges it shortens the commutes. I really don't have a problem with walking in this version.
I actually prefer dirt paths. ): I place down patterns so I can easily run on them to make dirt paths, lol. But with the QR codes it will be easier to get pretty paths this time around.

Anyway! The town isn't so huge that walking around takes a lot of time. And with 2-3 bridges it shortens the commutes. I really don't have a problem with walking in this version.
this positive statement does not fit your avatar.

One thing I wanted to ask is, even at the beginning there are some brown parts. If I put flowers on them and water, will it get green or is it a lost case?
I didn't play another AC game extensively except for the GameCube one, so I didn't know about this feature.

I'm so used to running and it was too late when I found out /sobs
Yup, you should probably cut down on the running. I don't run in my town so this hasn't happened to me. Have you unlocked the Gardening Shop? They have fertilizer there, and as long as you don't run, I think the fertilizer can help the grass. :)
Fertilizer only helps to grow flowers and perfect fruit. It doesn't help with the grass and it's not available until the last expansion anyway. :c
I have paths placed down for my most used routes through town. From what I know, paths will stop grass wear in this game but even if they don't I don't mind dirt paths. As long as they stay as paths then I think they look nice. Also the run button doesn't also pick up paths in this game which might be my favourite new feature xD
I don't know why they didn't took it out. Most people hate the dying grass. It's an awful feature. I need to unlock the QR code machine asap so I can go through the awful work of putting patterns down and stop worrying about grass.
Does the grass only die if you run or does it just die more slowly? I've found the fast walk is fast enough for me. I didn't even realize they kept this feature in the game. I don't want to have a desert... :mad:
I don't know why they didn't took it out. Most people hate the dying grass. It's an awful feature. I need to unlock the QR code machine asap so I can go through the awful work of putting patterns down and stop worrying about grass.

I think it makes the game more realistic, though. I just wish it could be like my real yard and grow, like, 2 feet an hour after it rains! :rolleyes: I need to find a way to switch it. Ya don't have to mow AC grass, heh heh HORF!

Anyway, I never for-real played CF (only a few weeks) so this "dying grass" thing was a foreign concept to me. I paved out my NL town so I just run on my paths and walk everywhere else. No biggie. I've been falling every other day, anyway, so I try to avoid running. I lost my balloon from tripping. >.>
If you put down patterns to make paths, does that cover up potential spots for fossils, gyroids, and the like? Or will they appear in open spots? I have no problem putting down paths to walk on - actually, I was thinking about doing something like that anyway, but I don't want to miss all my daily fossils.
People shouldn't be afraid to run in the game. It is also unfortunate no one seems to know for sure how fast grass dies and regrows. I really don't feel like putting patterns down in my town. Whenever I see a dirt patch, I just throw a bunch of flowers or a tree there and then move on.
Does the grass only die if you run or does it just die more slowly? I've found the fast walk is fast enough for me. I didn't even realize they kept this feature in the game. I don't want to have a desert... :mad:

Yeah, I'm just doing the fastest walk, and their are beginnings of paths everywhere in my town, specifically by the bridges, buildings, and ramps to the beach. It does make it realistic, and it's still slower than City Folk, but... I still wish it was slower. xD
I don't know why they didn't took it out. Most people hate the dying grass. It's an awful feature. I need to unlock the QR code machine asap so I can go through the awful work of putting patterns down and stop worrying about grass.

The feature is great, people just need to learn how to use it. I just laugh when I saw people with no grass at all on Wii. How can they not see it coming, the grass don't disappear like magic in one day.
Has anyone had any experience with the grass regrowth? I've read about having to plant your flowers on the dirt patches and water them, but it's been several days and the grass hasn't regrown at all.
Getting really fed up with this.. In City Folk I ended up hacking my Wii for the single purpose of running a 'full grass restore' cheat. I don't run in my town and trying my best to look after the grass, and find the dirt patches a bit depressing. It's like the game is punishing me for playing it more. Any tips that actually work?
Has anyone had any experience with the grass regrowth? I've read about having to plant your flowers on the dirt patches and water them, but it's been several days and the grass hasn't regrown at all.
Getting really fed up with this.. In City Folk I ended up hacking my Wii for the single purpose of running a 'full grass restore' cheat. I don't run in my town and trying my best to look after the grass, and find the dirt patches a bit depressing. It's like the game is punishing me for playing it more. Any tips that actually work?

if you're watering a patch of dirt that was there when your town started, stop. no grass grows there.